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Symfony Installation:

Created a Symfony project using Composer with the symfony/skeleton package.
Added the webapp package using Composer.

composer create-project symfony/skeleton:"7.0.*" symfony_test_app
composer require webapp

Database Setup:

Configured the database URL with credentials.
Created the database schema using Symfony's Doctrine commands.

php ./bin/console doctrine:database:create
php bin/console doctrine:schema:update –force

Symfony Packages Installation:

Installed essential Symfony packages like symfony/orm-pack, symfony/form, symfony/maker-bundle, and symfony/framework-bundle.
Generated migrations, entities, forms, user authentication, etc., using Symfony's console commands.
composer require symfony/orm-pack
composer require symfony/form
composer require symfony/maker-bundle --dev
composer require symfony/framework-bundle
php bin/console make:migration
php bin/console make:entity
php bin/console make:form PersonType Person
php bin/console make:user
php bin/console make:auth

Front-end Dependencies:

Included Bootstrap and jQuery CDN links for styling and client-side scripting.
<link href="[email protected]/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" integrity="sha384-QWTKZyjpPEjISv5WaRU9OFeRpok6YctnYmDr5pNlyT2bRjXh0JMhjY6hW+ALEwIH" crossorigin="anonymous">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

Front-end Script:

Added JavaScript code to filter items based on categories using Bootstrap's button groups.
            var value = $(this).attr('data-filter');

            if(value === "all") {
            } else {


Symfony Controller:

Created a Symfony controller named RegistrierungController for handling user registration.
Defined a route /registrierung for accessing the registration form.

namespace AppController;

use AppEntityUser;
use DoctrineORMEntityManagerInterface;
use SymfonyComponentFormExtensionCoreTypePasswordType;
use SymfonyComponentFormExtensionCoreTypeRepeatedType;
use SymfonyComponentFormExtensionCoreTypeSubmitType;
use SymfonyComponentFormExtensionCoreTypeTextType;
use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationRequest;
use SymfonyBundleFrameworkBundleControllerAbstractController;
use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationResponse;
use SymfonyComponentPasswordHasherHasherUserPasswordHasherInterface;
use SymfonyComponentRoutingAnnotationRoute;

class RegistrierungController extends AbstractController
    #[Route('/registrierung', name: 'app_registrierung')]
    public function reg(Request $request, EntityManagerInterface $entityManager, UserPasswordHasherInterface $passwordHasher): Response
        // Form handling logic here...

Twig Template:

Utilized Twig templating engine to render the registration form.
Extended the base template to maintain consistency across pages.
Rendered the registration form using Symfony's form rendering functions.

{% extends 'base.html.twig' %}

{% block title %}Hello RegistrierungController!{% endblock %}

{% block body %}


{{ form_start(regform) }}
{{ form_widget(regform) }}
{{ form_end(regform) }}

{% endblock %}

Front-end Component:

Implemented a carousel component using Bootstrap's Carousel to display car details.
Dynamically populated car details using Twig's loop syntax.
Linked each carousel item to a detailed view page using Symfony's routing system.
    <div id="carouselExampleSlidesOnly" class="carousel slide" data-ride="carousel" data-interval="3000">
        <div class="carousel-inner">
            {% for car in cars %}
                <div class="carousel-item {% if loop.first %}active{% endif %}">
                    <h2>{{ car.getModel() }}</h2>
                    <img class="carousel-image" src="{{ asset('images/' ~ car.getImage()) }}" alt="{{ car.getBrand() }}">
                    <a class="details-button" href="{{ path('car_details', {'id': car.getId()}) }}">Click here for more details</a>
            {% endfor %}

This setup provides a comprehensive guide for setting up a Symfony application with user registration and front-end components like filtering buttons and carousels for displaying data.



  1. here would be the register controller logic
    namespace AppController;
    use AppEntityUser;
    use DoctrineORMEntityManagerInterface;
    use SymfonyComponentFormExtensionCoreTypePasswordType;
    use SymfonyComponentFormExtensionCoreTypeRepeatedType;
    use SymfonyComponentFormExtensionCoreTypeSubmitType;
    use SymfonyComponentFormExtensionCoreTypeTextType;
    use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationRequest;
    use SymfonyBundleFrameworkBundleControllerAbstractController;
    use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationResponse;
    use SymfonyComponentPasswordHasherHasherUserPasswordHasherInterface;
    use SymfonyComponentRoutingAttributeRoute;
    class RegistrierungController extends AbstractController
        #[Route('/registrierung', name: 'app_registrierung')]
        public function reg(Request $request, EntityManagerInterface $entityManager, UserPasswordHasherInterface $passwordHasher): Response
            $regform = $this->createFormBuilder()
                ->add('username', TextType::class, ['label' => 'Mitarbeiter'])
                ->add('password', RepeatedType::class, [
                    'type' => PasswordType::class,
                    'required'=> true,
                    'first_options' => ['label' => 'Passwort'],
                    'second_options' => ['label'=> 'Passwort wiederholen']
                ->add('registrieren', SubmitType::class)
            //wurde der Submit-Button gedrückt!
            if($regform->isSubmitted() && $regform->isValid()){
                $eingabe  = $regform->getData();
                $user = new User();
                $user->setPassword($passwordHasher->hashPassword($user, $eingabe['password']));
                return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('car_home'));
            return $this->render('registrierung/index.html.twig', [
                'regform' => $regform->createView(),
    Login or Signup to reply.
  2. Dropdown

    Another action

    Something else here

    Login or Signup to reply.
  3. How to make the pictures displayed:

    Im Type --> bei bild -->  
    , FileType:class, ['mapped' => false])
    Controller --> 
    $bild = $request->files->get('car')['bild'];
            if ($bild) {
                $dateiname = md5(uniqid()) . '.' . $bild->guessClientExtension();
                $this->getParameter('bilder_ordner'), $dateiname
    services.yaml -->
        bilder_ordner: '%kernel.project_dir%/public/bilder/'

    Something more for the register controller:
    In der index.html.twig
    delete the stuff in the div and add the following:

    {{ form(regform) }}

    Jetzt einen beliebigen User erstellen und sehen, ob er in der DB gespeichert wird

    In CustemAuthenticator
    In the Function: onAuthenticationSuccess
    The Row with „throw“ comment out and in the following to paste:

    return new RedirectResponse($this->urlGenerator->generate('gericht.index'));

    In the file “config/packages/security.yaml” the folliwing to paste in:
    At the subpoint „firewall“:

        path: app_logout
        target: app_login

    And at the extra subpoint

        - { path: ^/login, roles: PUBLIC_ACCESS }
        - { path: ^/gericht, roles: ROLE_USER }
        - { path: ^/reg, roles: ROLE_USER }

    A Menu for public and one only for logged in User

    Login or Signup to reply.
  4. #[Route(‘/car/new’, name: ‘car_new’, methods: [‘GET’, ‘POST’])]
    public function new(Request $request, EntityManagerInterface $entityManager): Response

        $car = new Car();
        $form = $this->createForm(CarType::class, $car);
        if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()) {
            $image = $form->get('image')->getData();
            if ($image) {
                $filename = md5(uniqid()) . '.' . $image->guessExtension();
            return $this->redirectToRoute('car_new');
        return $this->render('car/index.html.twig', [
            'form' => $form->createView(),

    for picture

    Login or Signup to reply.
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