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Would someone be able to help me with an explanation of {‘ ~ ‘} in the below context for this jsx file?
My file: Post.jsx

import React from 'react';
import User from './User';
import Timestamp from './Timestamp.jsx';

const Post = ({ user, title, text, category, created, updated }) =>
        <b>{title}</b>: {text}
        <i>{' ~ '}<User {...user} /></i><br />
        (Created at: <Timestamp data={created} />, Updated at: <Timestamp data={updated} />)

export default Post



  1. That’s a string literal. It’s literally just rendering the string ‘ ~ ‘ in the output.

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  2. In JSX, the syntax {‘ ~ ‘} is simply a representation of a string containing a tilde (~) surrounded by curly braces to render it within the JSX code.

    In JSX, anything enclosed within curly braces { } is treated as JavaScript expression or code. So, {‘ ~ ‘} is a way to include the string with the tilde as part of the JSX code.

    For example:

      Some text{' ~ '}Some more text

    This would render as:

    Some text ~ Some more text

    It’s a way to insert specific strings or characters into the JSX content directly while keeping them separate from surrounding text or JSX elements.

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  3. In your code, {‘ ~ ‘} is used to insert a tilde (~) character into the string. It’s a way to include a specific character as part of the text in JSX, separating the title of the post from the user’s information for better visual clarity.

    For example:

    <b>Title</b>: Some text <i>{' ~ '}User Info</i>

    This renders as:

    Title: Some text * ~ *User Info

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