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When I open ant design range select and move to previous years and then close it without selecting any date or year.
now when I reopen it then it still shows me the last years that I was navigated to.

I want to show the current year and dates whenever I open range select while not making any selection.

Here is my code

import { useState } from 'react';

import { LineOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons';
import { DatePicker, TimeRangePickerProps } from 'antd';
import { RangePickerProps } from 'antd/es/date-picker';
import dayjs, { Dayjs } from 'dayjs';
import { RangeValue } from 'rc-picker/lib/interface';

type PropType = { handleRangeSelect?: (arg1: MaybeNull<string[]>) => void };

export const CustomRageSelect = ({ handleRangeSelect }: PropType) => {
  const [dateRange, setDateRange] = useState<RangeValue<Dayjs> | undefined>(null);

  const { RangePicker } = DatePicker;
  const today = dayjs();
  const firstDayOfThisWeek = today.startOf('week').add(1, 'days');
  const lastDayOfThisWeek = today.endOf('day'); // Assuming the week ends on Saturday

  const firstDayOfLastWeek = firstDayOfThisWeek.subtract(1, 'week');

  const rangePresets: TimeRangePickerProps['presets'] = [
    { label: 'Today', value: [today, today] },
    { label: 'Yesterday', value: [today.subtract(1, 'day'), today] },
    { label: 'This Week', value: [firstDayOfThisWeek, lastDayOfThisWeek] },
    { label: 'Last Week', value: [firstDayOfLastWeek, firstDayOfLastWeek.add(6, 'days')] },
    { label: 'This Month', value: [today.startOf('month'), today] },
    { label: 'Last Month', value: [today.subtract(1, 'month').startOf('month'), today.subtract(1, 'month').endOf('month')] },
    { label: 'This Year', value: [today.startOf('year'), today] },
    { label: 'Last Year', value: [today.subtract(1, 'year').startOf('year'), today.subtract(1, 'year').endOf('year')] },
    { label: 'All Time', value: null as unknown as [dayjs.Dayjs, dayjs.Dayjs] },

  const onRangeChange = (dates: null | (Dayjs | null)[], dateStrings: string[]) => {
    if (dates) {
      setDateRange(dates as RangeValue<Dayjs>);
      handleRangeSelect && handleRangeSelect(dateStrings);
    } else {
      handleRangeSelect && handleRangeSelect(null);

  // const disabledDate: RangePickerProps['disabledDate'] = (current) => {
  //   return current !== null && dayjs(current).isAfter(dayjs(), 'day');
  // };
  const disabledDate: RangePickerProps['disabledDate'] = (current) => {
    const tenYearsAgo = dayjs().subtract(10, 'years');
    return (current !== null && dayjs(current).isAfter(dayjs(), 'day')) || dayjs(current).isBefore(tenYearsAgo, 'day');

  return (
      className="btn-style heading5 font-weight-600 font-size-14 "
      separator={<LineOutlined rotate={90} style={{ color: '#E0E0E0', maxWidth: '248px' }} />}
      style={{ minWidth: '240px', gap: '0' }}



  1. Reset the dateRange state to default value by using the useEffect with an empty dependency array.

    import { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; // Add useEffect
    import { LineOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons';
    import { DatePicker, TimeRangePickerProps } from 'antd';
    import { RangePickerProps } from 'antd/es/date-picker';
    import dayjs, { Dayjs } from 'dayjs';
    import { RangeValue } from 'rc-picker/lib/interface';
    type PropType = { handleRangeSelect?: (arg1: MaybeNull<string[]>) => void };
    export const CustomRageSelect = ({ handleRangeSelect }: PropType) => {
      const [dateRange, setDateRange] = useState<RangeValue<Dayjs> | undefined>(null);
      // Reset the date range to the current year and dates whenever the component is rendered
      useEffect(() => {
        const today = dayjs();
        setDateRange([today.startOf('year'), today]);
      }, []);
      const { RangePicker } = DatePicker;
      const today = dayjs();
      const firstDayOfThisWeek = today.startOf('week').add(1, 'days');
      const lastDayOfThisWeek = today.endOf('day'); // Assuming the week ends on Saturday
      const firstDayOfLastWeek = firstDayOfThisWeek.subtract(1, 'week');
      const rangePresets: TimeRangePickerProps['presets'] = [
        { label: 'Today', value: [today, today] },
        { label: 'Yesterday', value: [today.subtract(1, 'day'), today] },
        { label: 'This Week', value: [firstDayOfThisWeek, lastDayOfThisWeek] },
        { label: 'Last Week', value: [firstDayOfLastWeek, firstDayOfLastWeek.add(6, 'days')] },
        { label: 'This Month', value: [today.startOf('month'), today] },
        { label: 'Last Month', value: [today.subtract(1, 'month').startOf('month'), today.subtract(1, 'month').endOf('month')] },
        { label: 'This Year', value: [today.startOf('year'), today] },
        { label: 'Last Year', value: [today.subtract(1, 'year').startOf('year'), today.subtract(1, 'year').endOf('year')] },
        { label: 'All Time', value: null as unknown as [dayjs.Dayjs, dayjs.Dayjs] },
      const onRangeChange = (dates: null | (Dayjs | null)[], dateStrings: string[]) => {
        if (dates) {
          setDateRange(dates as RangeValue<Dayjs>);
          handleRangeSelect && handleRangeSelect(dateStrings);
        } else {
          handleRangeSelect && handleRangeSelect(null);
      // const disabledDate: RangePickerProps['disabledDate'] = (current) => {
      //   return current !== null && dayjs(current).isAfter(dayjs(), 'day');
      // };
      const disabledDate: RangePickerProps['disabledDate'] = (current) => {
        const tenYearsAgo = dayjs().subtract(10, 'years');
        return (current !== null && dayjs(current).isAfter(dayjs(), 'day')) || dayjs(current).isBefore(tenYearsAgo, 'day');
    return (
          className="btn-style heading5 font-weight-600 font-size-14 "
          separator={<LineOutlined rotate={90} style={{ color: '#E0E0E0', maxWidth: '248px' }} />}
          style={{ minWidth: '240px', gap: '0' }}
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  2. You can use the onOpenChange prop. The documentation says onOpenChange is the callback function which can be executed whether the popup calendar is popped up or closed.

    So you should listen for when the popup is closed and reset the calendar.

    // add onOpenChange props to the RangePicker component
    const onOpenChange = (isOpen) => {
      if(!isOpen) {
        const today = dayjs();
        setDateRange([today.startOf('year'), today]);
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