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I have a simple while loop to print even numbers from 0 to 10. I would expect this code to print only up to 10. But it goes up to 12. I can modify the code to check for i<10 instead of i<=10. But I do not understand why the while loop goes on to print 12.

I expect the below code to print up to 10. But it prints up to 12.

let i=0;
while (i<=10){



  1. it prints up to 12 because you set the codition i <= 10, i+=2. meaning as long as i is less than or equal to 10, it is going to add 2 to i. so if i is equal to 10, it is still going to add 2 to i. To achieve your desired result, i have update the code, see below:

    let i = 0;
    while (i <= 10) {
        i += 2;
        if (i > 10) {
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  2. The code works as expected. It doesn’t print 12.
    Using Code Snippet allows you to verify the code easily.

    let i=0;
    while (i<=10){
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