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I am using below package react-if .

but my child component is not rendering. I am trying like this

    <Example Component={App} />

here is my Example component.

export const Example = ({ Component }) => {
  const fetchData = () => {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      // Simulating an asynchronous operation (e.g., fetching data from a server)
      setTimeout(() => {
        // Simulating a successful response
        const data = { message: 'Data fetched successfully' };
        return resolve(data);

        // Simulating an error
        // reject(new Error('Failed to fetch data'));
      }, 2000); // Simulating a delay of 2 seconds
  return (
      <If condition={fetchData()}>
        <Fallback>Loading data ...</Fallback>
          {(data) => (
              <span>Here ish your data:{JSON.stringify(data)}</span>
              <Component />
        <Else>{(error) => <span>Failed to load data because </span>}</Else>

Some time it show component .. some time not .. don’t know where I am doing wrong

here is my code,src%2FApp.tsx,src%2FApp.css,src%2Fmain.tsx&terminal=dev



  1. You need to set keepAlive={true}

    keepAlive?: boolean
    False (default): promises are cancelled before each unmount
    True: promises can be fulfilled even after a component unmount or a change to promise prop

    With StrictMode, every component gets mounted -> unmounted -> mounted, and with keepAlive equal to true, it will maintain the promise state.

    <If condition={fetchData()} keepAlive={true}>
            <Fallback>Loading data ...</Fallback>
              {(data) => (
                  <span>Here ish your data:{JSON.stringify(data)}</span>
                  <Component />
            <Else>{(error) => <span>Failed to load data because </span>}</Else>

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  2. The real problem of your code snippets is that there is a new fetchData call on every render, which returns a new promise on every call, which then waits for a new timeout.

    Look into caching the promise to only need to create a single instance.

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