I’m having an issue where I’m trying to pass number values from HTML (liquid) to Stimulus, but Stimulus is reading them as strings why is this happening?
The values are being pulled from an API, the relevant JSON looks like this:
"min": 1,
"max": 5,
"value": 3,
I’m passing value
, max
, and min
to my input component’s controller like so:
<input type="text"
id="{{ id }}"
name="{{ id }}"
min="{{ min }}"
max="{{ max }}"
value="{{ value }}"
data-selector-value="{{ value }}"
data-selector-min="{{ min }}"
data-selector-max="{{ max }}"
class="selector p-1 w-9 text-center">
And I’m reading the values within my controller. If I console log the values, like in test()
import { Controller } from "@hotwired/stimulus";
export default class extends Controller {
static targets = ['selector'];
static values = {
value: Number,
min: Number,
max: Number
test() {
value: this.selectorTarget.value,
typeofvalue: typeof(this.selectorTarget.value),
min: this.selectorTarget.min,
typeofmin: typeof(this.selectorTarget.min),
max: this.selectorTarget.max,
typeofmax: typeof(this.selectorTarget.max)})
I get the following results in my console:
value: "3"
typeofValue: "string"
min: "1"
typeofMin: "string"
max: "5"
typeofMax: "string"
Does anyone know why that’s happening?
It is because you typed your
to text.If you want it to consider the values as Numbers, then you have to type it so.
Accessing the attributes you want (min, max, value) on the HTMLInputElement are always returned as string.
See: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLInputElement
is a simple HTMLInputElement (according to your HTML and JS code). There is nothing StimulusJS can do about it.data-selector-*-value
attributes are to be defined on the controller element. See: https://stimulus.hotwired.dev/reference/valuesIf you want to access the min, max and value from the Controller, add the values to the controller element.
Or you can use the Controller on you input element: