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I am writing code in qt 6, I use the mvc pattern in the rectangle delegate, I specified the x:100 (line 103) property, which was supposed to move the rectangle 100 pixels to the right, this works in qt 5, but in qt6 the position of the rectangle remains unchanged, which is why I am forced to use anchors, and they are not very performant. Why does this problem occur and how to fix it?

ListView {
    id: viewMessage
    width: _writeMes.x + _writeMes.width
    height: 280
    spacing: _page.margin
    model: _messageModel

    delegate: Rectangle {
        height: 40
        width: viewMessage.width-150
        //anchors.left: isMyMessage ? undefined : parent.left
        //anchors.right: isMyMessage ? parent.right : undefined
        x: isMyMessage ? 100 : 0
        radius: 10
        color: isMyMessage ? _page.myMessageColor : _page.serverMessageColor
        property bool isMyMessage: model.sendBy === _ws.myId

        Label {
            x: 10
            color: _page.textColor
            text: 'id: ' + model.sendBy

        Label {
            x: 10
            y: 15
            color: _page.textColor
            text: model.text

as an alternative I use anchors, this gives the desired effect at the expense of performance.
I want to repeat it again on qt5 it works.



  1. You need to let the ListView control the delegate position.

    But simplest solution is simple: make delegate an Item, and put the Rectangle etc inside that, positioning them as you wish. Or use Qt.Quick.Controls which offer this functionality directly, I think.

    For ease of seeing what is going on, you can add a border: a Rectangle the which fills the Item and has transparent background and colored border.

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  2. I tried your example in Qt6 and plugging in my sample data (_page, _ws, _messageModel, _writeMes) but, the example worked.

    import QtQuick
    import QtQuick.Controls
    Page {
        id: _page
        property int margin: 10
        property color myMessageColor: "lightsteelblue"
        property color serverMessageColor: "yellow"
        QtObject {
            id: _ws
            property string myId: "Bill Gates"
        ListModel {
            id: _messageModel
            ListElement {
                sendBy: "Bill Gates"
                text: "Hi Steve"
            ListElement {
                sendBy: "Steve Jobs"
                text: "Hi Bill"
        Rectangle {
            id: _writeMes
            width: 600
            height: 600
        ListView {
            id: viewMessage
            width: _writeMes.x + _writeMes.width
            height: 280
            implicitWidth: width
            implicitHeight: height
            spacing: _page.margin
            model: _messageModel
            delegate: Rectangle {
                height: 40
                width: viewMessage.width-150
                //anchors.left: isMyMessage ? undefined : parent.left
                //anchors.right: isMyMessage ? parent.right : undefined
                x: isMyMessage ? 100 : 0
                radius: 10
                color: isMyMessage ? _page.myMessageColor : _page.serverMessageColor
                property bool isMyMessage: model.sendBy === _ws.myId
                Label {
                    x: 10
                    color: _page.textColor
                    text: 'id: ' + model.sendBy
                Label {
                    x: 10
                    y: 15
                    color: _page.textColor
                    text: model.text 

    You can see for yourself

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