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My Queue looks like this.

    class Queue{
        this.head = this.tail = undefined   //empty
        this.length = 0

        const node = {value: item} //create a new node
        this.length++ //increase length since we are adding an element
        if (!this.tail){
            this.tail = this.head = {value: item}
        } = node //add the new node to the end of the queue 
        this.tail = node //move the tail to point to the new node last node.

    deque(){  //we always deque from the head in queues
        if (!this.head){
            return undefined //if no head there is nothing to deque so undefined

        this.length-- //decrease length since we are dequeuing

        const head = this.head //save current head in the variable

        this.head = //move head to point to the next element = undefined //remove the link to the dequeued element
        if (this.length === 0){
            this.tail = undefined

        return head.value

        return this.head?.value //just return the value of the head


Then I call following methods:

    let newQ = new Queue()



    //queue looks like this rawr => meow because we add from the tail. 


    //now it looks like this: meow (because rawr was first in and now it's first out)

    console.log(newQ.peek())//outputs rawr

Why is the output of my console.log "rawr" instead of "meow"???

I was expecting a meow instead of a rawr. When I implement the queue using stardard shift() and push() methods instead of linked lists, it works as expected. I need to implement this using linked lists because I want to get a better understanding of linked lists.



  1. The main issue is that in enqueue, the if block does not have a return statement. As a consequence execution continues to set to node, so now you have a list with two nodes instead of one, and they both have the same value: "rawr". This explains that after dequeuing one item, the output of peek() is still "rawr".

    Secondly, there should be no need to create {value: item} twice.

    So change this:

            if (!this.tail){
                this.tail = this.head = {value: item};

    to this:

            if (!this.tail){
                this.tail = this.head = node; // use `node`
                return; // All done!

    Not a problem, but:

    • You don’t need to do = undefined; because head is local variable and will not be accessed after deque has run to completion. In fact, you could actually save the value in a local variable instead of the node reference.
    • End statements with a semi-colon. Although the engine provides automatic semicolon insertion, it is better to not leave it to that algorithm, but take control over this yourself.
    • The word deque has a different meaning and pronunciation than dequeue. You want the second one.

    Corrected Snippet:

    class Queue{
            this.head = this.tail = undefined;
            this.length = 0;
            const node = {value: item};
            if (!this.tail){
                this.tail = this.head = node;
   = node;
            this.tail = node;
        dequeue() {
            if (!this.head) {
                return undefined; 
            const value = this.head.value;
            this.head =;
            if (this.length === 0) {
                this.tail = undefined;
            return value;
        peek() {
            return this.head?.value;
    const newQ = new Queue();
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  2. When you make your initial tail, you are setting its .next to itself also. Your code = node should be in an else block of the above if block, and when you set this.tail = this.head = {value: item}, try setting that equal to node instead so you can set this.head indirectly the second time you call this method.

        const node = {value: item} //create a new node
        this.length++ //increase length since we are adding an element
        if (!this.tail){
            this.tail = this.head = node
        } else {
   = node //add the new node to the end of the queue
        this.tail = node //move the tail to point to the new node last node.
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