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i want to replace 11111 to <, and 22222 to > in json

My code:

var json_A = {
  "question1": {
    "type": "string",
    "title": "11111img src=``22222",
    "enum": ["Adrian", "Attams", "Adrienne"],
    "requested": false
  "question2": {
    "type": "string",
    "title": "11111img src=``22222",
    "enum": ["She does.", "No.", "Yes"],
    "requested": false

function replaceValueOfJson(json, field, oldvalue, newvalue) {
  for (var k = 0; k < json.length; ++k) {
    if (oldvalue == json[k][field]) {
      json[k][field] = newvalue;
  return json;

var string_format = replaceValueOfJson(json_A,'title','11111','aaaaa')

My desired output:

  "question1": {
    "type": "string",
    "title": "<img src=``>",
    "enum": ["Adrian", "Attams", "Adrienne"],
    "requested": false
  "question2": {
    "type": "string",
    "title": "<img src=``>",
    "enum": ["She does.", "No.", "Yes"],
    "requested": false

Related topic: how to change json key:value

How can i change above function to get correct output?

My link:



  1. JavaScript objects don’t have a length property. (Unless you manually add one)

    Instead, you can iterate over Object.values() and execute String#replace() on the field of your choice like this:

    var json_A = {
      "question1": {
        "type": "string",
        "title": "11111img src=``22222",
        "enum": ["Adrian", "Attams", "Adrienne"],
        "requested": false
      "question2": {
        "type": "string",
        "title": "11111img src=``22222",
        "enum": ["She does.", "No.", "Yes"],
        "requested": false
    function replaceValueOfJson(json, field, oldvalue, newvalue) {
      for (let obj of Object.values(json)) {
        obj[field] = obj[field].replace(oldvalue, newvalue);
      return json; // This isn't really necessary as this will modify the object passed to it in-place

    Object.values() returns an array of the values in the object passed through it.

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  2. Just indent json and you’ll see the problem:

    var json_A =
            "question1": {
                "title":"11111img src=``22222",
                "requested":false },
                "title":"11111img src=``22222",
                "enum":["She does.","No.","Yes"],
                "requested":false }

    Still don’t see it ? here:

    var json_A ={"question1":{"type":"string","title":"11111img src=``22222","enum":["Adrian","Attams","Adrienne"],"requested":false},"question2":{"type":"string","title":"11111img src=``22222","enum":["She does.","No.","Yes"],"requested":false}}
        json_A[question].title = json_A[question].title.replace('11111','<');
        json_A[question].title = json_A[question].title.replace('22222','>');

    Linear iterating an hierarchical structure won’t do any good. You have to consider json levels.

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  3. JSON.parse((JSON.stringify(json_A)).replaceAll('11111', '<').replaceAll('22222', '>'));
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  4. Recursive solution (will modify the original object):

    function replaceValueInJSON(object, keyToChange, callback) {
        if (keyToChange in object) {
            // If object has the given key, run callback on the corresponding value
            object[keyToChange] = callback(object[keyToChange]);
        for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(object)) {
            // Recursively check in non-array object children which has not been processed.
            if (
                key !== keyToChange &&
                value instanceof Object && !(value instanceof Array)
            ) {
                replaceValueInJSON(value, keyToChange, callback);

    Try it:

    function replaceValueInJSON(object, keyToChange, callback) {
      if (keyToChange in object) {
        object[keyToChange] = callback(object[keyToChange]);
      for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(object)) {
        if (
          key !== keyToChange &&
          value instanceof Object && !(value instanceof Array)
        ) {
          replaceValueInJSON(value, keyToChange, callback);
    const objectToChange = {
      question1: {
        type: 'string',
        title: '11111img src=``22222',
        enum: ['Adrian', 'Attams', 'Adrienne'],
        requested: false
      question2: {
        type: 'string',
        title: '11111img src=``22222',
        enum: ['She does.', 'No.', 'Yes'],
        requested: false
    replaceValueInJSON(objectToChange, 'title', oldValue => {
      return oldValue.replaceAll('11111', '<').replaceAll('22222', '>');
    Login or Signup to reply.
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