I have written a code to check if a particular string that is entered through an input by a user exists within a predefined array, however I faced a problem and I am looking for help Here is the code, the problem is that the code only works for the final array value!:
<p id="ggg"></p>
<p id="tr"></p>
<input type="text" id="WW" value="">
<button type="submit" id="searchh">Search for name</button>
var QQ=""
var arry= ["ASd", "aa", "frgr", "rgtg", "gtfh"]
document.getElementById("searchh").addEventListener("click", function() {
QQ = document.getElementById("WW").value.toLowerCase()
for (var p=0; p<arry.length;p=p+1) {
document.getElementById("ggg").innerHTML = document.getElementById("ggg").innerHTML+
arry[p] + " "
var OO= document.getElementById("ggg").innerHTML.toLowerCase()
if (QQ==OO) {
document.getElementById("tr").innerHTML = "Student name found" + "n"
} else {
document.getElementById("tr").innerHTML = "No match found" + "n"
I Have tried my best to no avail, Al Hamdulillah.
The problem with your code is that you are checking the input string against the entire string of all the elements in the array concatenated together. This will only match if the input string is the same as the entire concatenated string.
using include method
You can be use array filter instead of using for loop