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I am creating a map based on online datasets using the following code:

<script src="[email protected]/dist/leaflet.js" integrity="sha512-GffPMF3RvMeYyc1LWMHtK8EbPv0iNZ8/oTtHPx9/cc2ILxQ+u905qIwdpULaqDkyBKgOaB57QTMg7ztg8Jm2Og==" crossorigin=""></script>
<script src="" integrity="sha512-yocoLferfPbcwpCMr8v/B0AB4SWpJlouBwgE0D3ZHaiP1nuu5djZclFEIj9znuqghaZ3tdCMRrreLoM8km+jIQ==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

const API_IRIS_CONTOUR = new Request("");
const API_INSEE_STAT = new Request("");
var layer_iris = L.layerGroup()
var color_scale = chroma.scale(['yellow', 'red']);
const maxval = 400
var insee_value;    
const field = "P20_RP_VOIT1P"
const vniris = [751010101, 751010102, 751010103, 751010104, 751010105, 751010199, 751010201, 751010202, 751010203, 751010204, 751010205, 751010206, 751010301, 751010302, 751010303, 751010401, 751010402, 751020501, 751020502, 751020503, 751020601, 751020602, 751020701, 751020702, 751020703, 751020704, 751020801, 751020802, 751020803, 751020804, 751020805, 751030901, 751030902, 751030903, 751030904, 751030905, 751031001, 751031002, 751031003, 751031004, 751031101, 751031102, 751031103, 751031104, 751031201, 751031202, 751031203, 751031204, 751041301, 751041302, 751041303, 751041304, 751041305, 751041399, 751041401, 751041402, 751041403, 751041404, 751041499, 751041501, 751041502, 751041503, 751041504, 751041588, 751041599, 751041601, 751041602, 751041603, 751041699, 751051701, 751051702, 751051703, 751051704, 751051705, 751051706, 751051799, 751051801, 751051802, 751051803, 751051804, 751051805, 751051806, 751051807, 751051808, 751051809, 751051899, 751051901, 751051902, 751051903, 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751083108, 751083201, 751083202, 751083203, 751083204, 751083205, 751083206, 751083207, 751083208, 751083209, 751083210, 751093301, 751093302, 751093303, 751093304, 751093305, 751093306, 751093307, 751093308, 751093309, 751093310, 751093311, 751093401, 751093402, 751093403, 751093404, 751093405, 751093406, 751093407, 751093408, 751093409, 751093501, 751093502, 751093503, 751093504, 751093601, 751093602, 751093603, 751093604, 751093605, 751093606, 751093607, 751093608, 751093609, 751093610, 751103701, 751103702, 751103703, 751103704, 751103705, 751103706, 751103707, 751103708, 751103709, 751103710, 751103711, 751103712, 751103801, 751103802, 751103803, 751103804, 751103805, 751103806, 751103901, 751103902, 751103903, 751103904, 751103905, 751103906, 751103907, 751103908, 751103909, 751103910, 751103988, 751104001, 751104002, 751104003, 751104004, 751104005, 751104006, 751104007, 751104008, 751104009, 751104010, 751104011, 751104012, 751104088, 751114101, 751114102, 751114103, 751114104, 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vniris.forEach((niris) => {
    .then(response => response.json())
    .then((data) => {
    if(item.IRIS == niris){
        insee_value = item[field];
    .then(() => {
        .then(response => response.json())
        .then(data => {
    //console.log("value now needed: " + insee_value)
    process_iris_contour(data, niris, color_scale(insee_value/maxval).hex())

Where the scripts used are:

function switch_coordinate_columns3D(arr) {
    var result = []
    result = structuredClone(arr);
    for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
        for (var j = 0; j < arr[i].length; j++) {
            result[i][j][0] = arr[i][j][1];
            result[i][j][1] = arr[i][j][0];
    return result

function process_iris_contour(data, niris, color) {
    // polygon requires latlngs
       if(item.code_iris == niris){
            L.polygon(switch_coordinate_columns3D(item.geo_shape.geometry.coordinates), {stroke: false, fillColor: color}).addTo(layer_iris);

As vniris contains hundreds of values, the map requires very long time to complete, due to the multiple fetch statements.

How could I make this process faster?


  • Added full paths to json datasets
  • Added the reference to outer scripts



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I could solve my issue by using the advice from @Tim Robert and combining it with a suggestion in the post How to return the Promise.all fetch api json data?

    const API_IRIS_CONTOUR = new Request("json/iris_75.json");
    const API_INSEE_STAT = new Request("json/base-ic-logement-2020_paris.json");
    var layer_iris = L.layerGroup()
    var color_scale = chroma.scale(['yellow', 'red']);
    const maxval = 400
    var insee_value
    const field = "P20_RP_VOIT1P"
    const vniris = [751010101, 751010102, 751010103, 751010104, 751010105, 751010199, 751010201, 751010202, 751010203, 751010204, 751010205, 751010206, 751010301, 751010302, 751010303, 751010401, 751010402, 751020501, 751020502, 751020503, 751020601, 751020602, 751020701, 751020702, 751020703, 751020704, 751020801, 751020802, 751020803, 751020804, 751020805, 751030901, 751030902, 751030903, 751030904, 751030905, 751031001, 751031002, 751031003, 751031004, 751031101, 751031102, 751031103, 751031104, 751031201, 751031202, 751031203, 751031204, 751041301, 751041302, 751041303, 751041304, 751041305, 751041399, 751041401, 751041402, 751041403, 751041404, 751041499, 751041501, 751041502, 751041503, 751041504, 751041588, 751041599, 751041601, 751041602, 751041603, 751041699, 751051701, 751051702, 751051703, 751051704, 751051705, 751051706, 751051799, 751051801, 751051802, 751051803, 751051804, 751051805, 751051806, 751051807, 751051808, 751051809, 751051899, 751051901, 751051902, 751051903, 751051904, 751051905, 751051906, 751051907, 751051908, 751052001, 751052002, 751052003, 751052004, 751052005, 751052099, 751062101, 751062102, 751062103, 751062199, 751062201, 751062202, 751062203, 751062204, 751062205, 751062301, 751062302, 751062303, 751062304, 751062305, 751062306, 751062307, 751062308, 751062309, 751062310, 751062311, 751062401, 751062402, 751062499, 751072501, 751072502, 751072503, 751072504, 751072505, 751072506, 751072507, 751072508, 751072599, 751072601, 751072602, 751072603, 751072604, 751072605, 751072606, 751072699, 751072701, 751072702, 751072703, 751072704, 751072705, 751072706, 751072707, 751072801, 751072802, 751072803, 751072804, 751072805, 751072806, 751072807, 751072808, 751072809, 751072810, 751072811, 751072812, 751072899, 751082901, 751082902, 751082903, 751082904, 751082905, 751082906, 751082907, 751082999, 751083001, 751083002, 751083003, 751083004, 751083005, 751083006, 751083101, 751083102, 751083103, 751083104, 751083105, 751083106, 751083107, 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        fetch(API_IRIS_CONTOUR).catch(err => {
            throw {url: API_IRIS_CONTOUR, err};
        fetch(API_INSEE_STAT).catch(err => {
            throw {url: API_INSEE_STAT, err};
    ]).then(async([irisContourResponse, inseeStatResponse]) => {
        const irisContourData = await irisContourResponse.json();
        const inseeStatData = await inseeStatResponse.json();
        vniris.forEach((niris) => {
        if(item.IRIS == niris){
            process_iris_contour(irisContourData, niris, color_scale(item[field] / maxval).hex())

  2. Just fetch the data once and save the result as a variable. The below may not be perfect since your code doesn’t include some of the referenced functions, and there is no absolute path to the JSON data so I can’t test it. But you should get the basic idea. See this question for more details

    (async() => {
      const API_IRIS_CONTOUR = new Request("json/iris_75.json");
      const API_INSEE_STAT = new Request("json/base-ic-logement-2020_paris.json");
      const irisCountourResponse = await fetch(API_IRIS_CONTOUR);
      const inseeStatResponse = await fetch(API_INSEE_STAT);
      const irisCountourData = irisCountourResponse.json();
      const inseeStatData = inseeStatResponse.json();
      var layer_iris = L.layerGroup()
      var color_scale = chroma.scale(['yellow', 'red']);
      const maxval = 400
      var insee_value;    
      const field = "P20_RP_VOIT1P"
      const vniris = [751010101, 751010102, 751010103] //... trimmed for demo
      vniris.forEach((niris) => {
          if(item.IRIS == niris){
              insee_value = item[field];
        //console.log("value now needed: " + insee_value)
        process_iris_contour(irisCountourData, niris, color_scale(insee_value/maxval).hex())
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