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I have two arrays:
[ 'J', 'o', 'h', 'a', 'n']
[ 1, 1, 1, 2, 1]
I would like to use the first one as the object keys and the second one as object values. The result should be:
{ "J": 1, "o": 1, "h": 1, "a": 2, "n": 1}

Is this achievable with JavaScript ?



  1. The easiest way would be to use Object.fromEntries() along with] as below, with explanatory comments in the code:

    // the initial arrays:
    let keys = [ 'J', 'o', 'h', 'a', 'n'],
        entries = [ 1, 1, 1, 2, 1],
        // here we use Object.fromEntries() to create
        // an Object from a two-dimensional Array of
        // Arrays:
        result = Object.fromEntries(
          // we use to iterate over
          // the keys Array:

            // passing a reference to the current Array-value
            // ('key'), and the index of the current Array-
            // value ('index') into the function body.
            // Within the function body we return an Array
            // containing the current Array-element (which
            // becomes a key of the created-Object, and
            // the Array-element from the entries Array
            // at the same index:
            (key, index) => [key,entries[index]]
            "J": 1,
            "o": 1,
            "h": 1,
            "a": 2,
            "n": 1

    JS Fiddle demo.


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  2. As @PCDSandwichMan mentioned you can use reduce. See:

    Reduce goes through the array and returns a single value. It can sometimes be littly tricky to see what is going on although it looks nice as a one-liner

    If you want to see a more transparent method you can start with empty array, loop through the array and add a property to the object for each element in the array.

    const keys = ["J", "o", "h", "a", "n"];
    const values = [1, 1, 1, 2, 1];
    const myObj = {}
    keys.forEach((key, index) => {
      myObj[key] = values[index]

    Here we go through the keys array, each element in the keys array is named key.

    We then use the brack notation of an object to create a property and assign the value from the values array that is at the same index/location as the key element.

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  3. This question is similar to Convert array to object keys

    Adding an extra iterator as third argument to track the index will do the trick for you –

    const keys = ["J", "o", "h", "a", "n"];
    const values = [1, 1, 1, 2, 1];
    const result = keys.reduce((acc, key, iterator) => {
    return {
     ...acc, [key]: values[iterator]};
    console.log("result", result);
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