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Problem: last 2 .then are getting called even while I am returning Promise.reject(). The 1st .then() is printing undefined and 2nd .then() is also printing the output.

Can someone please explain why?

let p4 = new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{
    resolve("p4 Resolved");

    return Promise.reject("20 Rejected")
  .then((val)=>{console.log(val);return 290})
  .then((val)=>{console.log("Last then : "+val);});



  1. .catch() returns a new pending Promise:

    Returns a new Promise. This new promise is always pending when
    returned, regardless of the current promise’s status. It’s eventually
    rejected if onRejected throws an error or returns a Promise which is
    itself rejected; otherwise, it’s eventually fulfilled.
    — Promise#catch(), Return value | MDN

    The first .then() returns a rejected promise, which as you expect, calls .catch(). However, since the callback passed to it as argument (error => { console.log(error) }) doesn’t throw any errors, the new promise will be fulfilled and therefore it will call all the subsequent .then()s.

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  2. catch also returns a promise and since you didn’t return anything, it will be a promise that fulfills to undefined, therefore the first then prints undefined. Finally, the last then gets the value 290 from the previously returned promise by the first then and prints it.

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  3. When you nest multiple .then() functions in a Promise chain, each .then() function will be executed one after the other in the order they were chained.

    The result of each .then() function is passed on to the next .then() function in the chain as a parameter. This allows you to perform a sequence of asynchronous operations and handle the results step-by-step.

    link reference :

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