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Is there a way I can pass the iframe src into a variable without using getElementById ?

I dont know the ID of the iframe as its dynamically generated – but I want to be able to check the src to see if it matches a defined string – the iframe has a class which I can target which is fancybox-iframe

I was hoping this would work but it does not:

 var srcURL = document.getElementsByClassName('fancybox-iframe').src;



  1. You can use the method getgetElementsByTagName():

    srcURL = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0].src;

    Take care the name of this method is written in plural form so the result is an array, even the array will contain one element. That’s why the argument [0] is appended.

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  2. Element.prototype.getElementsByClassName

    returns an array of elements, so you should use


    or better yet

    const elements = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName('fancybox-iframe'))
      .filter(element => element.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'iframe');
    if(!elements.length) {
      // handle no iframe.fancybox-iframe found
    const src = elements[0].src

    Also you can use Element.prototype.querySelector and Element.prototype.querySelectorAll to avoid filtering the getElementsByClassName result and get directly the iframes as so

    const elements = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('iframe.fancybox-iframe'))
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  3. Confirmed in the comments:

    • there’s multiple iframes
    • only one has the class fancybox-iframe
    • jquery is already in use

    You can select an iframe with a specific class using


    then apply .attr("src") to get the source:


    This is in the format of nodename.class (without any spaces) which means the element must be of node type (iframe) and have the class (fancybox-iframe).

    You could probably also use


    if that class is only used on that iframe.

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