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I have a number of authors name list and their e-mail id and i want to fetch their citations programmatically . So how could i fetch their citations using SERPAPI ?



  1. If I understand right, you already have the author’s IDs, if it’s true you need to do some loop to get citations from each author, here’s how you can do it (also check code example in the online IDE):

    const SerpApi = require("google-search-results-nodejs");
    const search = new SerpApi.GoogleSearch(process.env.API_KEY); //your api key from
    const params = {
      engine: "google_scholar_author", // search engine
      hl: "en", //search languge
    const authorsIds = ["EicYvbwAAAAJ", "hqAf_AgAAAAJ", "5M-bz3EAAAAJ"];
    const getJson = async () => {
      return new Promise((resolve) => {
        search.json(params, resolve);
    const getCitations = async () => {
      const citations = [];
      for (id of authorsIds) {
        params.author_id = id; // set author id to request params
        const json = await getJson();
        citations.push({ author:, citations: json.articles });
      return citations;
    getCitations().then((citations) => {
      console.dir(citations, { depth: null });
      // or do what you want to do next


             "name":"George Patton",
             "affiliations":"University of Melbourne; Murdoch Childrens Research Institute.",
             "email":"Verified email at",
                   "title":"Mental Health",
                   "title":"Adolescent Health",
                   "title":"Psychiatric epidemiology",
                "title":"Global, regional, and national comparative risk assessment of 79 behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks, 1990–2015: a systematic …",
                "authors":"MH Forouzanfar, A Afshin, LT Alexander, HR Anderson, ZA Bhutta, ...",
                "publication":"The lancet 388 (10053), 1659-1724, 2016",
            ... and other citations
             "name":"Ann Kristin Knudsen",
             "affiliations":"Departement Director Norwegian Institute of Public Health",
             "email":"Verified email at",
                   "title":"burden of disease",
                   "title":"psychiatric epidemiology",
                   "title":"sickness absence research",
                   "title":"parental alcohol use",
                   "title":"problem drinking",
                "title":"Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 301 acute and chronic diseases and injuries in 188 countries, 1990–2013: a systematic …",
                "authors":"T Vos, RM Barber, B Bell, A Bertozzi-Villa, S Biryukov, I Bolliger, ...",
                "publication":"The lancet 386 (9995), 743-800, 2015",
             ... and other citations
       ... and othe authors

    There’s a web scraping Google Scholar Author info blog post if you want to understand this topic deeper.

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  2. You could use my library, pyserpZotero. It not only scrapes and parses the results, it also offers to export them as Bibtex, upload to Zotero, clean any raw LaTex, and download the free PDFs of any of your results that are also on

    #### Build a list of search terms:
    TERMS = ['reinforcement learning', 'traveling salesman', 'nowcasting', 'propensity score']
    MIN_YEAR = "2010" # Oldest year to search
    SAVE_BIB = False  # Save a Bibtex file (.bib)?
    USE_ZOT  = True   # Upload to Zotero?
    CLEAN    = False  # Attempt to remove/repair broken LaTex and other formatting 
    #### Load libraries
    from box import Box
    import pyserpZotero
    import yaml
    #### Import Credentials from Your YAML File
    with open("config.yaml", "r") as ymlfile:
        cfg = Box(yaml.safe_load(ymlfile), default_box=True, default_box_attr=None)
    API_KEY = cfg.API_KEY
    ZOT_ID  = cfg.ZOT_ID
    ZOT_KEY = cfg.ZOT_KEY
    #### Instantiate a serpZot object for API management
    citeObj = pyserpZotero.serpZot(API_KEY  = API_KEY, 
                                   ZOT_ID   = ZOT_ID, 
                                   ZOT_KEY  = ZOT_KEY)
    #### Call the search method
    for i in range(len(TERMS)):
        print(citeObj.searchScholar(TERM     = TERMS[i], 
                                    MIN_YEAR = MIN_YEAR,
                                    SAVE_BIB = SAVE_BIB))
        print("This should've returned 0 (sucess)")
        # Upload the parsed results
    #### Clean Ugly Raw LaText (as Much as Possible)
    if CLEAN:
        citeObj.cleanZot(ZOT_ID      = ZOT_ID, 
                         ZOT_KEY     = ZOT_KEY,
                         SEARCH_TERM = "\") # optional (defaults to all items)
    #### Check Arxiv for Free PDFs of Papers and Attach / Upload Them To Zotero


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