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I want to make a text change the color of each letter individually, one at a time. For example:
Hello World
The "H" would be the first to become red, then "E", then "L", and so on.

I’ve tried making each letter a span and using jquery and a loop. But it doesn’t work.

var letters = $("span").length;
for (let i = 0; i <= letters; i++){
  $("span")[i].css("color", "red");
<script src=""></script>
<span>, </span>



  1. in jquery you have the function each that let you loop on all element of a selector

    to "wait" between two color change, you can embed the css change in a setTimeoutlink to the index of the each loop

    $(".letters span").each(function(index, elem) {
      setTimeout(function() {
        $(elem).css('color', 'red');
      }, index * 500);
    <script src=""></script>
    <div class="letters">
      <span>, </span>
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  2. You’re on the right track, but you will need to delay the change of the color for a certain moment (say 100ms) so that the effect can be seen. To have a delay, the method setTimeout is used that accepts 2 arguments:

    1. A callback function that is called when the wanted delay has passed.
    2. The wanted delay (100ms for example).

    When picking a delay, say 100ms, we should multiply it with the index of the current letter (current span to be precise) so that the effect can be seen.

    Here’s a live demo:

     * loop through the "span" elements.
     * delay a 100ms * i (current span index) that will later change the color for the span at index "i".
     * you may change the delay (100 in this case) by any value you want.
    $('span').each((i, el) => setTimeout(() => $(el).css('color', 'red'), i * 100))
    <script src=""></script>
    <span>, </span>

    jQuery .each method is used to loop through the selected span elements

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  3. You have to use eq() function because you can’t use jquery function on a dom element, with eq you return a jquery element.

    var letters = $("span").length;
    for (let i = 0; i <= letters; i++){
      setTimeout(()=>{$("span").eq(i).css("color", "red")},i*1000);
    <script src=""></script>
    <span>, </span>

    But the better solution is to use the each of jquery.

        setTimeout(()=>{$(el).css("color", "red")},index*1000);
    <script src=""></script>
        <span>, </span>
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  4. let string = document.querySelector(".str");
    const coloredWriter = (str, appendTo, speed) => {
      const body = document.querySelector(`${appendTo}`);
      const stringText = str.innerText;
      const splitedText = stringText.split("");
      splitedText.forEach((element) => {
        let span = document.createElement("span"); = '30px'
        span.innerText = element;
        const allSpans = document.querySelectorAll(".color");
        let i = 0;
        let timeOut = () => {
          let randomColor = Math.floor(Math.random() * 16777215).toString(16);
          if (allSpans[i]) {
            setTimeout(() => {
              allSpans[i].style.color = `#${randomColor}`;
            }, speed);
    coloredWriter(string, "body", 500);
    <span class="str">hello world</span>
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