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Edit : the solution given by simone works, but it is in javascript, and as I already coded everything else in jquery, I ‘d love a jquery solution..

I have a series of divs widht content to copy. Looking at different examples, I decide to put a div with the content to copy, and just after that a hidden copy button. I wrap everything in a div in relative position, so that I can put the button in absolute position in the top right corner, exactly like this example.

Here is an example of my code:

<div class="token-block">
  <div class="token" id="copy-1">{{customText[<span id="custom_wrapper"> 
   <span class="output"></span><span class="output"></span></span>]}}</div>
          <button type="button" class="copy" onclick="copy('#copy-1')" aria-hidden="false" aria-label="Copy to clipboard"><span class="visually-hidden">Copy to Clipboard</span></button>

The copy function works perfectly with this :

function copy(element) {
        var $temp = $("<input>");

But I’d prefer to have a dynamic solution. So I add the wrapping div, the id and copy button dynamically.

$(function() {
  $('.token').wrap('<div class="token-block"></div>'); 
        $(this).attr('id', 'token-'+i+'');
        $(this).append('<button type="button" class="copy" onclick="copy(#copy-'+i+'")" aria-hidden="false" aria-label="Copy to clipboard"><span class="visually-hidden">Copy to Clipboard</span></button>');
function copy(element) {
  var $temp = $("<input>");

It doen’t work..So What is wrong here ? the code when I inspect the element is exactly the same in the html, but if I do it dynamicaly, it doesn’t work anymore..

can someone help please ??



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    EDIT : ok finaly I found a solution, in jquery, with dynamicaly added elements. Simone's solution below is cleaner, and she gives javascript and jquery solution.

    To add wrapping div, and the hidden button :

    $('.token').wrap('<div class="token-block"></div>');
          $(this).append('<button type="button" class="copy" onclick="copy(this)" aria-hidden="false" aria-label="Copy to clipboard"><span class="visually-hidden">Copy to Clipboard</span></button>');

    And in the copy function, I can now target the right element to copy

    function copy(element) {
    var $temp = $("<input>");

  2. I propose you a pure JS solution because clipboard used that like:

    function copy(div) {
        function() {
          //if function work done work
          alert('copy done by clipboard');
        function() {
          //if fail cliboard use execCommand
          const inputTemp = document.createElement("input");
          inputTemp.setAttribute("value", div.innerText);
          alert('copy done by execCommand');
    <div class="token" onclick="copy(this)">My text blablalbda</div>

    function copy(div) {
        function() {
          //if function work done work
          alert('copy done by clipboard');
        function() {
          const $temp = $("<input>");
          alert('copy done by execCommand');
    <script src=""></script>
    <div class="token" onclick="copy(this)">My text blablalbda</div>
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