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How to create a countup between two numbers with Jquery with intervals 15 and slowdown similar to the GIF image below?

enter image description here
I can’t reproduce this effect.

$('.count').each(function () {
  var $this = $(this);
  jQuery({ Counter: 1243234 }).animate({ Counter: $this.attr('data-stop') }, {
    useGrouping: true,
    separator: ".",
    decimal: ",",
    speed: 99999,
    duration: 9999999,
    refreshInterval: 300,
    easing: 'swing',
    step: function (now) {
    <script src=""></script>
    <span class="count" data-stop="3256986">3256986</span> Total downloads <br>



  1. To replicate what you have in the GIF, you could create a simple 1-second interval that changes the value of an element’s textContent property. Below is a simple approach. You should update it to make sure the start value and end value are valid, etc.

    // Specify a selector, start/end numbers, and increment size
    graduallyIncrement(".number", 1234, 1498, 15);
    function graduallyIncrement ( selector, start, end, incrementBy ) {
        // Start with an initial value, and an element reference
        let currentValue = start;
        let element = document.querySelector(selector);
        // Update our element to show our initial value
        element.textContent = currentValue.toLocaleString();
        // Create an interval to run every 1 second
        let interval = setInterval(() => {
            // Determine next number. This may be our current
            // number + 15, or it may be the end number.
            let nextNumber = Math.min(end, currentValue += incrementBy);
            // Update our element to show the new number
            element.textContent = nextNumber.toLocaleString();
            // Determine whether or not to stop updating
            if ( nextNumber === end ) {
        }, 1000);
    <div class="number">1,243,234</div>

    Other ways to improve would be to make this a Promise, which resolves when the final number is met. Or pass it a callback function which can be called once the process is complete. Here’s how you could use Promises to determine when the counting has completed:

    graduallyIncrement(".number", 1234, 1498, 15).then(() => {
        alert("Done counting!");
    async function graduallyIncrement(selector, current, end, incrementBy) {
        // Start with an initial value, and an element reference
        let element = document.querySelector(selector);
        // Update our element to show our initial value
        element.textContent = current.toLocaleString();
        return new Promise(resolve => {
            // Create an interval to run every 1 second
            let interval = setInterval(() => {
                // Determine next number. This may be our current
                // number + 15, or it may be the end number.
                current = Math.min(end, current += incrementBy);
                // Update our element to show the new number
                element.textContent = current.toLocaleString();
                // Using a setTimeout lets the textContent update
                // complete before we show our ALERT
                setTimeout(() => {
                    // Determine whether or not to stop updating
                    if (current === end) {
                }, 0);
            }, 1000);
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  2. Here’s a solution using .data to store the current value and setTimeout to loop. Change the timeout (150 here) to adjust the speed. Same concepts can be used for a non-jquery solution.

    Storing the current value in the element’s data means:

    • stored as an int, so no need to parse the text
    • function can be used for multiple elements without them interfering (if you used global variables, this would be an issue)
    $("[data-stop]").each(function() {
    function countCounter(element) {
       var $this = $(element);
       var counter = $"current") || ($this.text()*1);
       var stop = $"stop");
       //console.log(counter, stop)
       counter += 15;
       if (counter > stop) counter = stop;
       $"current", counter)
       if (counter < stop)
            setTimeout(() => countCounter(element), 150);
    <script src=""></script>
    <span class="count" data-stop="3256986">3256700</span> Total downloads
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