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I am trying to compare the values of two elements, and if they share that value, execute a .css() modifier upon one of them. The issue is that some of my comparing elements have values in a comma separated list:
normal values: "400", "500"
comma’d values "600, 602" "502, 504"

My jQuery is as follows:

jQuery('#container1 > div[booth-number="{Booth Assignments}"]').css('background-color','white')

as you can see I’m using a merge tag to indicate the booths that i’d like to have their background color modified with.

I was also trying something like a forEach loop:

const booths = [{Booth Assignments}]
booths.forEach(jQuery('container1 > div[booth-number=jQuery(this)]').css('background-color', 'white')

which does not seem to work either. could really use some help here!



  1. Your foreach syntax is incorrect.

    const booths = ["this", "is", "dummy", "data", "and,some,more", "dummier,datas"].join(",").replace(/[s]/g, "").split(",");
    console.log("All booths: ");
    console.log(" ");  // Blank line for readability
    booths.forEach(function(booth_number) {
         $('container1 > div[booth-number=' + booth_number + ']').css('background-color', 'white');
         console.log("This should color booth "" + booth_number + "" white.");
    <script src=""></script>
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  2. First, you can take the array and join it with a comma, replace the spaces, then split it on the comma. This will allow you to loop through the items.

    Next, I’m using a data attribute since booth-number isn’t valid.

    Since you are using jquery, I’m also just using $.each

    let booths = ["600, 602", "502, 504"].join(",").replace(/[s]/g, "").split(",");
    $.each(booths,function(index,booth) {
      $('#container1 > div[data-booth-number="' + booth + '"]').css('background-color', 'red')
    <script src=""></script>
    <div id="container1">
      <div data-booth-number="600">608</div>
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