I have an icon name tag-icon-arrow
i have onclick and hover events on it.
But since i hover over the icon the hover is active and when clicked both are active which i don’t want, I know before clicking it will hover here,but if i click on the icon it should turn off.
bindViewEvents: function () {
let me = this
, window = this.$window
, $tagArrow = window.find(".tag-icon-arrow");
$tagArrow.off().on('click', function (e) {
me.highlight(e, true, true);
function (e) {me.highlight(e, true);},
function (e) {me.highlight(e, false);}
$tagArrow.on('click', function (e) {
Here you can see hover is always active since its depends on cursor.
How can improve this so that both work properly? as they are expected to.
The easiest way to do this is to use a flag that says whether the icon has been clicked or not, and then use that flag to conditionally turn on/off the hover effect.
Here’s the code:
Just don’t turn off highlighting when the role is selected:
But better use CSS: