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I want to add class activeclass to a particular outerbox div element when scroll reaches to it. and I also want to remove that class from it and assign it to the next outerbox when scroll reach to that div.

Below is the sample HTML code. and I want you guys to suggest me the jQuery for this.

<div class="outerbox">
    <div class="innerbox">
        content goes here
<div class="outerbox">
    <div class="innerbox">
        content goes here
<div class="outerbox">
    <div class="innerbox">
        content goes here
<div class="outerbox">
    <div class="innerbox">
        content goes here
<div class="outerbox">
    <div class="innerbox">
        content goes here

I want you to please suggest me jQuery code to add & remove CSS class from one to other outerbox div



  1. You could try this sample snippet below and customize as needed.

      .outerbox {
          height: 200px;
          background-color: #f2f2f2;
          margin-bottom: 20px;
        .innerbox {
          padding: 20px;
          color: #333;
        .outerbox.activeclass {
          background-color: #ffcc00;
          border: 2px solid #ff9900;
    <div class="outerbox">
        <div class="innerbox">
            content goes here
    <div class="outerbox">
        <div class="innerbox">
            content goes here
    <div class="outerbox">
        <div class="innerbox">
            content goes here
    <div class="outerbox">
        <div class="innerbox">
            content goes here
    <div class="outerbox">
        <div class="innerbox">
            content goes here
    <script src=""></script>
    $(document).ready(function() {
      var sections = $('.outerbox');
      $(window).scroll(function() {
        var currentPosition = $(this).scrollTop();
        var currentSection = null;
        sections.each(function() {
          var top = $(this).offset().top;
          var bottom = top + $(this).outerHeight();
          if (currentPosition >= top && currentPosition <= bottom) {
            currentSection = $(this);
        if (currentSection != null) {
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  2. You could use document.elementFromPoint() to set the active class for an element is a particular position in the window on scrolling:

    $(window).on('scroll', () => {
        const style = getComputedStyle(document.body);
       const elem = document.elementFromPoint(parseInt(style.marginLeft), parseInt(style.marginTop));
    .active .innerbox{
      background: #aaccee;
      min-height: 300px;
      transition: background .5s;
    <script src=""></script>
    <div class="outerbox active">
        <div class="innerbox">
            content goes here
    <div class="outerbox">
        <div class="innerbox">
            content goes here
    <div class="outerbox">
        <div class="innerbox">
            content goes here
    <div class="outerbox">
        <div class="innerbox">
            content goes here
    <div class="outerbox">
        <div class="innerbox">
            content goes here
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  3. Don’t use the "scroll" event,
    use the preferred tool for the task, and that’s the IntersectionObserver API
    Style the { CSS class for the desired changes

    const inViewport = (entries, observer) => {
      entries.forEach(entry => {"is-inViewport", entry.isIntersecting);
    const Obs = new IntersectionObserver(inViewport);
    const obsOptions = {}; //See:
    // Attach observer to every [data-inviewport] element:
    const ELs_inViewport = document.querySelectorAll('.outerbox');
    ELs_inViewport.forEach(EL => {
      Obs.observe(EL, obsOptions);
    * { margin: 0; box-sizing: border-box; }
    .outerbox {
      padding: 1rem;
      min-height: 80vh;
      margin: 1rem;
      background: gray;
      transition: background-color 1s ease-in;
    } {
      background: gold;
    <p style="height: 100vh;">Scroll down...</p>
    <div class="outerbox">
      <div class="innerbox">
        content goes here
    <div class="outerbox">
      <div class="innerbox">
        content goes here
    <div class="outerbox">
      <div class="innerbox">
        content goes here
    <div class="outerbox">
      <div class="innerbox">
        content goes here
    <div class="outerbox">
      <div class="innerbox">
        content goes here
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