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I have a form like this:

<form name="filter">

  <input type='number'>
  <input type="text">
  <input type="range">


I want to get the type of input i use but i do not succeed in it

$(document).on('input', 'form[name="filter"]', function () { 
     alert(this.type); // alerts undefined

Based on the input i use, i expect an alert like: number, text or range, but i got "undefined"
What i am doing wrong?



  1. You need to add parameter & use like this to get input type.

    $(document).on('input', 'form[name=filter]', function(input) {
    <form name="filter">
      <input type='number'>
      <input type="text">
      <input type="range">
    <script src=""></script>
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  2. Alternative you can use it by getting event parameter from the function

      $(document).on("input", 'form[name="filter"]', function (event) {
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  3. $(document).on('input', 'form[name="filter"] input', function (event) {
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