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I’ve created some HTML, CSS and JQuery to display a graph based on values in the div with the classname of "out".
I have a need for multiple graphs to be placed on the page. The problem I have is that when I try and place multiple graphs on the page, only the first one shows.
Is there a way I can call the same JQuery function multiple times on the same page and get it to operate correctly?

My code is below:

$(document).ready(function() {
  $(".out div").each(function() {
    var num = $(this).html()
    var iNum = parseInt(num);
    var eq = $(this).index();
    var finalSum = (iNum / 20);
    $(".graph-div").eq(eq).find("div.graph-bar").css("height", finalSum + "px");
.graph-box {border:1px solid #ccc; width:fit-content;}
.graph-bar {width:120px; align-items: center; box-sizing: border-box;}
.graph {display:flex; text-align: center; width:90px; align-items: center; box-sizing: border-box;}
.graph-div {width:120px; align-self: flex-end;}
.out {display:flex; text-align: center;}
.parties {display:flex; border:1px solid #ccc; text-align: center; width: fit-content;}
.out div, .parties div {width:120px;}
.out div:nth-child(odd), .parties div:nth-child(odd)  {background-color:#F0F0F0;}
.out div:nth-child(even), .parties div:nth-child(even) {background-color:#F9f9f9;}
.con {background-color: blue;}
.lab {background-color: red;}
.gre {background-color: green;}
.lib {background-color: orange;}
<script src=""></script>

<div class="graph-box">
  <div class="graph">
    <div class="graph-div">
      <div class="graph-bar con"></div>
    <div class="graph-div">
      <div class="graph-bar lab"></div>
    <div class="graph-div">
      <div class="graph-bar gre"></div>
    <div class="graph-div">
      <div class="graph-bar lib"></div>
  <div class="out">
<div class="parties">
  <div>Liberal <br> Democrats</div>

<div class="graph-box">
  <div class="graph">
    <div class="graph-div">
      <div class="graph-bar con"></div>
    <div class="graph-div">
      <div class="graph-bar lab"></div>
    <div class="graph-div">
      <div class="graph-bar gre"></div>
    <div class="graph-div">
      <div class="graph-bar lib"></div>
  <div class="out">
<div class="parties">
  <div>Liberal <br> Democrats</div>



  1. It’s because every single instance is only targeting the first set of graph bar outputs. You need to adjust your code to target the graph bars within the same parent – you can see here I’ve modified this line to scope the query properly and it shows two graphs now

    $(document).ready(function() {
      $(".out div").each(function() {
        var num = $(this).html()
        var iNum = parseInt(num);
        var eq = $(this).index();
        var finalSum = (iNum / 20);
        $(this).closest(".graph-box").find(".graph-div").eq(eq).find("div.graph-bar").css("height", finalSum + "px");
    .graph-box {border:1px solid #ccc; width:fit-content;}
    .graph-bar {width:120px; align-items: center; box-sizing: border-box;}
    .graph {display:flex; text-align: center; width:90px; align-items: center; box-sizing: border-box;}
    .graph-div {width:120px; align-self: flex-end;}
    .out {display:flex; text-align: center;}
    .parties {display:flex; border:1px solid #ccc; text-align: center; width: fit-content;}
    .out div, .parties div {width:120px;}
    .out div:nth-child(odd), .parties div:nth-child(odd)  {background-color:#F0F0F0;}
    .out div:nth-child(even), .parties div:nth-child(even) {background-color:#F9f9f9;}
    .con {background-color: blue;}
    .lab {background-color: red;}
    .gre {background-color: green;}
    .lib {background-color: orange;}
    <script src=""></script>
    <div class="graph-box">
      <div class="graph">
        <div class="graph-div">
          <div class="graph-bar con"></div>
        <div class="graph-div">
          <div class="graph-bar lab"></div>
        <div class="graph-div">
          <div class="graph-bar gre"></div>
        <div class="graph-div">
          <div class="graph-bar lib"></div>
      <div class="out">
    <div class="parties">
      <div>Liberal <br> Democrats</div>
    <div class="graph-box">
      <div class="graph">
        <div class="graph-div">
          <div class="graph-bar con"></div>
        <div class="graph-div">
          <div class="graph-bar lab"></div>
        <div class="graph-div">
          <div class="graph-bar gre"></div>
        <div class="graph-div">
          <div class="graph-bar lib"></div>
      <div class="out">
    <div class="parties">
      <div>Liberal <br> Democrats</div>
    Login or Signup to reply.
  2. Your issue is this line:

    var eq = $(this).index();

    which will give you the index only within this‘s parent – so the fifth div across all out is actually index==0 because it’s the first div in the second out.

    So when you do $(".graph-div").eq(eq), eq==0 so will find the first .graph-div across all graph-divs.

    You have some options, including:

    1. link the data with the graph, eg using data- attributes

    this would be the most flexible as the order and position/structure of the HTML would not matter, but may be overkill in this scenario

    1. limit $(".graph-div") selection to match the out

    details in other answer – requires restructuring the HTML, which may not be appropriate in all cases

    1. change .index() to apply across all out divs:

    requires that out/graphs are all in the same order (which makes sense otherwise they won’t line up…)

    To apply .index() across all out divs:

    var eq = $(".out div").index(this);


    var eq = $(this).index(".out div");

    the first would allow you to cache $(".out div") – not below shown for clarity of the change.

    Which option you choose depends on how you layout the HTML

    Updated snippet:

    $(document).ready(function() {
      $(".out div").each(function() {
        var num = $(this).html()
        var iNum = parseInt(num);
        //var eq = $(this).index();
        var eq = $(".out div").index(this);
        //var eq = $(this).index(".out div");
        var finalSum = (iNum / 20);
        $(".graph-div").eq(eq).find("div.graph-bar").css("height", finalSum + "px");
    .graph-box {border:1px solid #ccc; width:fit-content;}
    .graph-bar {width:120px; align-items: center; box-sizing: border-box;}
    .graph {display:flex; text-align: center; width:90px; align-items: center; box-sizing: border-box;}
    .graph-div {width:120px; align-self: flex-end;}
    .out {display:flex; text-align: center;}
    .parties {display:flex; border:1px solid #ccc; text-align: center; width: fit-content;}
    .out div, .parties div {width:120px;}
    .out div:nth-child(odd), .parties div:nth-child(odd)  {background-color:#F0F0F0;}
    .out div:nth-child(even), .parties div:nth-child(even) {background-color:#F9f9f9;}
    .con {background-color: blue;}
    .lab {background-color: red;}
    .gre {background-color: green;}
    .lib {background-color: orange;}
    <script src=""></script>
    <div class="graph-box">
      <div class="graph">
        <div class="graph-div">
          <div class="graph-bar con"></div>
        <div class="graph-div">
          <div class="graph-bar lab"></div>
        <div class="graph-div">
          <div class="graph-bar gre"></div>
        <div class="graph-div">
          <div class="graph-bar lib"></div>
      <div class="out">
    <div class="parties">
      <div>Liberal <br> Democrats</div>
    <div class="graph-box">
      <div class="graph">
        <div class="graph-div">
          <div class="graph-bar con"></div>
        <div class="graph-div">
          <div class="graph-bar lab"></div>
        <div class="graph-div">
          <div class="graph-bar gre"></div>
        <div class="graph-div">
          <div class="graph-bar lib"></div>
      <div class="out">
    <div class="parties">
      <div>Liberal <br> Democrats</div>
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