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Struggling to get this code to work to move the .meta div to sit below the h3 in the DOM. It works, but does it twice as there are 2 instances of this code on the page, I want it to work both times, but not display two versions of the .meta div… so both dates appear….?? What am I doing wrong ?

(function($) {
  $('.home_FeedsWrapper .vc_col-sm-4 .post-header .meta').each(function() {
<script src=""></script>
<div class="home_FeedsWrapper">

  <div class="vc_col-sm-4">
    <div class="article-content-wrap">
      <div class="post-header">
        <span class="meta"> 23 November 2022 </span>
        <h3 class="title">This is the title here</h3>

  <div class="vc_col-sm-4">
    <div class="article-content-wrap">
      <div class="post-header">
        <span class="meta">18 October 2022 </span>
        <h3 class="title">This is another title that sits here</h3>




  1. You should insert each date after the next h3 like this :

    $('.home_FeedsWrapper .vc_col-sm-4 .post-header .meta').each(function() {
    <script src=""></script>
    <div class="home_FeedsWrapper">
      <div class="vc_col-sm-4">
        <div class="article-content-wrap">
          <div class="post-header">
            <span class="meta"> 23 November 2022 </span>
            <h3 class="title">This is the title here</h3>
      <div class="vc_col-sm-4">
        <div class="article-content-wrap">
          <div class="post-header">
            <span class="meta">18 October 2022 </span>
            <h3 class="title">This is another title that sits here</h3>
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  2. Consider the following.

    (function($) {
      $('.home_FeedsWrapper .vc_col-sm-4 .post-header').each(function(i, el) {
        var meta = $(".meta", el).detach();
        meta.insertAfter($("h3", el));
    <script src=""></script>
    <div class="home_FeedsWrapper">
      <div class="vc_col-sm-4">
        <div class="article-content-wrap">
          <div class="post-header">
            <span class="meta"> 23 November 2022 </span>
            <h3 class="title">This is the title here</h3>
      <div class="vc_col-sm-4">
        <div class="article-content-wrap">
          <div class="post-header">
            <span class="meta">18 October 2022 </span>
            <h3 class="title">This is another title that sits here</h3>

    This ensures that each header is reviewed and the elements are only moved within that header. First, we detach the Span, and then insert it after the Header3.

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