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I have an number of places where I paired a static div with content with an editable field to update that content on a drupal10 site. Using $(div).load(url), I’ve got it working on a single basis like so:

(function ($) {
  $(document).ready(function () {
        $('.container form .form-submit').click(function () {
        $(document).ajaxComplete(function (event, xhr, settings) {
        if (typeof settings !== 'undefined' && settings.extraData && settings.extraData._drupal_ajax) {
             $('.targetdiv').load(location.href + " .targetdiv > *");

However, I have pages where I have multiple instances, and I’m struggling to get a variable to trigger after the .ajaxComplete. I’ve also tried variations of $(this), but I believe the ajax process breaks the focus so it doesn’t work. I need this to work so only the refreshdiv in the set associated with the click reloads.

I’ve got this far:

  $(document).ready(function() {
        var targetID = $('.container').data('id');
        $(document).on('click', '.editfield' + targetID + ' form .form-submit', function(){
        // Listening for AJAX completion after button click
        $(document).ajaxComplete(function (event, xhr, settings) {
        console.log('ajax complete');
        // Check if the AJAX request is from Drupal
        if (typeof settings !== 'undefined' && settings.extraData && settings.extraData._drupal_ajax) {
            $(".container .refreshdiv").addClass(targetID);
            $('.targetID').load(location.href + " .targetID > *");

But in this second case, the variable targetID doesn’t carry through the ajax process. I’ve also tried placing the variable after .ajaxComplete, but that comes up blank too.

I expect I need to pass the variable through the .ajaxComplete function somehow. What am I missing?



  1. I see the problem you are facing is scoping issue with the targetID variable inside the ajaxComplete function.

    (function ($) {
      $(document).ready(function () {
        // Function to handle click event on form submit button
        function handleFormSubmit() {
          var targetID = $(this).closest('.container').data('id');
          $(this).closest('.container').data('targetID', targetID);
        // Click event handler for form submit button
        $('.container form .form-submit').on('click', handleFormSubmit);
        // AJAX complete event handler
        $(document).ajaxComplete(function (event, xhr, settings) {
          console.log('ajax complete');
          if (typeof settings !== 'undefined' && settings.extraData && settings.extraData._drupal_ajax) {
            var targetID = $('.container').data('targetID');
            if (targetID) {
              $('.editfield' + targetID + ' .refreshdiv').load(location.href + ' .refreshdiv');
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  2. This code temporarily add the element’s class name with the value of the targetID variable

    $(".container .refreshdiv").addClass(targetID);

    This code takes the html from its own url and puts it in an element with the class name ‘targetID’, not the value of the variable targetID

    $('.targetID').load(location.href + " .targetID > *");

    You should change the code to:

    var targetIDClass = '.' + targetID;    
    $(targetIDClass).load(location.href + ' ' + targetIDClass  + '> *');

    Note: this code temporarily adds the class to the element, when it loads the data from the url I’m not sure if this class is available from the data result

    $(".container .refreshdiv").addClass(targetID);
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