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I’m testing for the first time some libraries to create graphs in JavaScript of Open Source type to understand which one is the most interesting and suitable for me.

I was trying to update tickamount in Apexcharts on xaxis with type: 'category' (with a simple JavaScript function code).

In the labels there are timestamps formatted as string.

I can’t use the type: 'datetime' because some points in dates are null (there’s not the example case, full filled).

So watch this snippet.

If I resize my browser window the tickAmount it’s replaced with tickAmount: newtickamount correctly, but I got completely different values on the xaxis.

Open the full-size snippet to see the result on xaxis change (by clicking on the top right of the snippet).

It’s a bug or I’m doing something wrong?

    var options = {
        chart: {
            width: '100%',
            height: '400px',
            stacked: false,
            toolbar: { show: false, },
        labels: [
        "29 08 2024 07:04:31", "29 08 2024 07:04:41", "29 08 2024 07:04:51", "29 08 2024 07:05:01", "29 08 2024 07:05:11", "29 08 2024 07:05:21", "29 08 2024 07:05:31", "29 08 2024 07:05:41", "29 08 2024 07:05:51", "29 08 2024 07:06:01", "29 08 2024 07:06:11", "29 08 2024 07:06:21", "29 08 2024 07:06:31", "29 08 2024 07:06:41", "29 08 2024 07:06:51", "29 08 2024 07:07:01", "29 08 2024 07:07:11", "29 08 2024 07:07:21", "29 08 2024 07:07:31", "29 08 2024 07:07:41", "29 08 2024 07:07:51", "29 08 2024 07:08:01", "29 08 2024 07:08:11", "29 08 2024 07:08:21", "29 08 2024 07:08:31", "29 08 2024 07:08:41", "29 08 2024 07:08:51", "29 08 2024 07:09:01", "29 08 2024 07:09:11", "29 08 2024 07:09:21", "29 08 2024 07:09:31", "29 08 2024 07:09:41", "29 08 2024 07:09:51", "29 08 2024 07:10:01", "29 08 2024 07:10:11", "29 08 2024 07:10:21", "29 08 2024 07:10:31", "29 08 2024 07:10:41", "29 08 2024 07:10:51", "29 08 2024 07:11:01", "29 08 2024 07:11:11", "29 08 2024 07:11:21", "29 08 2024 07:11:31", "29 08 2024 07:11:41", "29 08 2024 07:11:51", "29 08 2024 07:12:01", "29 08 2024 07:12:11", "29 08 2024 07:12:21", "29 08 2024 07:12:31", "29 08 2024 07:12:41", "29 08 2024 07:12:51", "29 08 2024 07:13:01", "29 08 2024 07:13:11", "29 08 2024 07:13:21", "29 08 2024 07:13:31", "29 08 2024 07:13:41", "29 08 2024 07:13:51", "29 08 2024 07:14:01", "29 08 2024 07:14:11", "29 08 2024 07:14:21", "29 08 2024 07:14:31", "29 08 2024 07:14:41", "29 08 2024 07:14:51", "29 08 2024 07:15:01", "29 08 2024 07:15:11", "29 08 2024 07:15:21", "29 08 2024 07:15:31", "29 08 2024 07:15:41", "29 08 2024 07:15:51", "29 08 2024 07:16:01", "29 08 2024 07:16:11", "29 08 2024 07:16:21", "29 08 2024 07:16:31", "29 08 2024 07:16:41", "29 08 2024 07:16:51", "29 08 2024 07:17:01", "29 08 2024 07:17:11", "29 08 2024 07:17:21", "29 08 2024 07:17:31", "29 08 2024 07:17:41", "29 08 2024 07:17:51", "29 08 2024 07:18:01", "29 08 2024 07:18:11", "29 08 2024 07:18:21", "29 08 2024 07:18:31", "29 08 2024 07:18:41", "29 08 2024 07:18:51", "29 08 2024 07:19:01", "29 08 2024 07:19:11", "29 08 2024 07:19:21", "29 08 2024 07:19:31", "29 08 2024 07:19:41", "29 08 2024 07:19:51", "29 08 2024 07:20:01", "29 08 2024 07:20:11", "29 08 2024 07:20:21", "29 08 2024 07:20:31", "29 08 2024 07:20:41", "29 08 2024 07:20:51",

        series: [{
            name: 'Hello',
            info: 'hello',
            type: 'line',
            data: [
                357, 171, 472, 909, 707, 411, 470, 990, 112, 369, 428, 451, 44, 869, 710, 782, 718, 491, 479, 976, 438, 953, 976, 363, 886, 479, 274, 809, 625, 808, 569, 226, 158, 646, 196, 506, 754, 114, 513, 535, 271, 428, 155, 97, 412, 661, 181, 118, 616, 297, 23, 460, 344, 274, 467, 937, 839, 355, 290, 765, 647, 462, 90, 439, 737, 439, 194, 186, 973, 667, 181, 425, 84, 453, 43, 835, 99, 209, 580, 465, 329, 740, 541, 237, 17, 631, 916, 300, 745, 826, 63, 900, 990, 450, 560, 99, 21, 981, 954,


        stroke: {
            width: 2,
            curve: 'smooth',
        xaxis: {
            type: 'category',     //category    datetime     numeric
            //tickAmount: 20,
            tooltip: { enabled: false, },
            tickPlacement: 'on',
            labels: { rotate: -60, },
        yaxis: [
            show: true,
            labels: {
                show: true,
            axisBorder: { show: false, },
            axisTicks: { show: false, },
            tooltip: { enabled: true, offsetX: -20, },
        tooltip: {
            enabled: true,
            shared: true,
            intersect: false,
            inverseOrder: false,
            //custom: function({series, seriesIndex, dataPointIndex, w}) {   return 'HELLO!';  }),

    var chart = new ApexCharts(document.querySelector("#chart"), options);
    //Replacing tickamount
    function replace_tickamount(){
        width = document.body.clientWidth;
        newtickamount = 0;
        if (width > 1000){
            newtickamount = 10;
        } else if (width > 500) {
            newtickamount = 8;
        } else {
            newtickamount = 4;
            xaxis: { type: 'category', tickAmount: newtickamount, },


    addEventListener("resize", (event) => { 

<div id="chart"></div>
@import url(;
body { font-family: Roboto, sans-serif; }
#chart { max-width: 100%; border: 1px solid #000; }
<script src=""></script>



  1. wrap with a div and use css to achive this best way to do this dvw like width:100dvw

    Login or Signup to reply.
  2. You may say it’s a bug; or a dubious sort of feature …

    Apexcharts performs in certain conditions (horizontal bar + unsupported zoom + tick placement !== 'between', etc.)
    a conversion of x axis from category to numeric, see the source code.
    You can check that by adding a console.log(chart.w.config.xaxis.type) after chart.render() – you’ll get numeric, not
    category, which you set. I suppose the reason for that is some intended optimization.

    To still preserve the original categories, it also creates an xaxis.labels.formatter option, that maps the new numbers to
    those original labels. However, when you updateOptions for the xaxis, that formatter is lost.

    The simplest solution seems to me to just set the categories option of the axis when you updateOptions:

        xaxis: { type: 'category', tickAmount: newtickamount, categories: options.labels}

    the original snippet with this change:

    var options = {
        chart: {
            width: '100%',
            height: '400px',
            stacked: false,
            toolbar: { show: false, },
        labels: [
            "29 08 2024 07:04:31", "29 08 2024 07:04:41", "29 08 2024 07:04:51", "29 08 2024 07:05:01", "29 08 2024 07:05:11", "29 08 2024 07:05:21", "29 08 2024 07:05:31", "29 08 2024 07:05:41", "29 08 2024 07:05:51", "29 08 2024 07:06:01", "29 08 2024 07:06:11", "29 08 2024 07:06:21", "29 08 2024 07:06:31", "29 08 2024 07:06:41", "29 08 2024 07:06:51", "29 08 2024 07:07:01", "29 08 2024 07:07:11", "29 08 2024 07:07:21", "29 08 2024 07:07:31", "29 08 2024 07:07:41", "29 08 2024 07:07:51", "29 08 2024 07:08:01", "29 08 2024 07:08:11", "29 08 2024 07:08:21", "29 08 2024 07:08:31", "29 08 2024 07:08:41", "29 08 2024 07:08:51", "29 08 2024 07:09:01", "29 08 2024 07:09:11", "29 08 2024 07:09:21", "29 08 2024 07:09:31", "29 08 2024 07:09:41", "29 08 2024 07:09:51", "29 08 2024 07:10:01", "29 08 2024 07:10:11", "29 08 2024 07:10:21", "29 08 2024 07:10:31", "29 08 2024 07:10:41", "29 08 2024 07:10:51", "29 08 2024 07:11:01", "29 08 2024 07:11:11", "29 08 2024 07:11:21", "29 08 2024 07:11:31", "29 08 2024 07:11:41", "29 08 2024 07:11:51", "29 08 2024 07:12:01", "29 08 2024 07:12:11", "29 08 2024 07:12:21", "29 08 2024 07:12:31", "29 08 2024 07:12:41", "29 08 2024 07:12:51", "29 08 2024 07:13:01", "29 08 2024 07:13:11", "29 08 2024 07:13:21", "29 08 2024 07:13:31", "29 08 2024 07:13:41", "29 08 2024 07:13:51", "29 08 2024 07:14:01", "29 08 2024 07:14:11", "29 08 2024 07:14:21", "29 08 2024 07:14:31", "29 08 2024 07:14:41", "29 08 2024 07:14:51", "29 08 2024 07:15:01", "29 08 2024 07:15:11", "29 08 2024 07:15:21", "29 08 2024 07:15:31", "29 08 2024 07:15:41", "29 08 2024 07:15:51", "29 08 2024 07:16:01", "29 08 2024 07:16:11", "29 08 2024 07:16:21", "29 08 2024 07:16:31", "29 08 2024 07:16:41", "29 08 2024 07:16:51", "29 08 2024 07:17:01", "29 08 2024 07:17:11", "29 08 2024 07:17:21", "29 08 2024 07:17:31", "29 08 2024 07:17:41", "29 08 2024 07:17:51", "29 08 2024 07:18:01", "29 08 2024 07:18:11", "29 08 2024 07:18:21", "29 08 2024 07:18:31", "29 08 2024 07:18:41", "29 08 2024 07:18:51", "29 08 2024 07:19:01", "29 08 2024 07:19:11", "29 08 2024 07:19:21", "29 08 2024 07:19:31", "29 08 2024 07:19:41", "29 08 2024 07:19:51", "29 08 2024 07:20:01", "29 08 2024 07:20:11", "29 08 2024 07:20:21", "29 08 2024 07:20:31", "29 08 2024 07:20:41", "29 08 2024 07:20:51",
        series: [{
            name: 'Hello',
            info: 'hello',
            type: 'line',
            data: [
                357, 171, 472, 909, 707, 411, 470, 990, 112, 369, 428, 451, 44, 869, 710, 782, 718, 491, 479, 976, 438, 953, 976, 363, 886, 479, 274, 809, 625, 808, 569, 226, 158, 646, 196, 506, 754, 114, 513, 535, 271, 428, 155, 97, 412, 661, 181, 118, 616, 297, 23, 460, 344, 274, 467, 937, 839, 355, 290, 765, 647, 462, 90, 439, 737, 439, 194, 186, 973, 667, 181, 425, 84, 453, 43, 835, 99, 209, 580, 465, 329, 740, 541, 237, 17, 631, 916, 300, 745, 826, 63, 900, 990, 450, 560, 99, 21, 981, 954,
        stroke: {
            width: 2,
            curve: 'smooth',
        xaxis: {
            type: 'category',     //category    datetime     numeric
            //tickAmount: 20,
            tooltip: { enabled: false, },
            tickPlacement: 'on',
            labels: { rotate: -60, },
        yaxis: [
                show: true,
                labels: {
                    show: true,
                axisBorder: { show: false, },
                axisTicks: { show: false, },
                tooltip: { enabled: true, offsetX: -20, },
        tooltip: {
            enabled: true,
            shared: true,
            intersect: false,
            inverseOrder: false,
            //custom: function({series, seriesIndex, dataPointIndex, w}) {   return 'HELLO!';  }),
    var chart = new ApexCharts(document.querySelector("#chart"), options);
    //Replacing tickamount
    function replace_tickamount(){
        width = document.body.clientWidth;
        newtickamount = 0;
        if (width > 1000){
            newtickamount = 10;
        } else if (width > 500) {
            newtickamount = 8;
        } else {
            newtickamount = 4;
            xaxis: { type: 'category', tickAmount: newtickamount, categories: options.labels},
    addEventListener("resize", (event) => {
    <div id="chart"></div>
    <script src=""></script>

    Another possibility is to explicitly preserve the labels.formatter that was set by the system when it converted the axis:

        xaxis: { 
           tickAmount: newtickamount, 
           labels: {formatter: chart.w.config.xaxis.labels.formatter}

    the original snippet with this change:

    var options = {
        chart: {
            width: '100%',
            height: '400px',
            stacked: false,
            toolbar: { show: false, },
        labels: [
            "29 08 2024 07:04:31", "29 08 2024 07:04:41", "29 08 2024 07:04:51", "29 08 2024 07:05:01", "29 08 2024 07:05:11", "29 08 2024 07:05:21", "29 08 2024 07:05:31", "29 08 2024 07:05:41", "29 08 2024 07:05:51", "29 08 2024 07:06:01", "29 08 2024 07:06:11", "29 08 2024 07:06:21", "29 08 2024 07:06:31", "29 08 2024 07:06:41", "29 08 2024 07:06:51", "29 08 2024 07:07:01", "29 08 2024 07:07:11", "29 08 2024 07:07:21", "29 08 2024 07:07:31", "29 08 2024 07:07:41", "29 08 2024 07:07:51", "29 08 2024 07:08:01", "29 08 2024 07:08:11", "29 08 2024 07:08:21", "29 08 2024 07:08:31", "29 08 2024 07:08:41", "29 08 2024 07:08:51", "29 08 2024 07:09:01", "29 08 2024 07:09:11", "29 08 2024 07:09:21", "29 08 2024 07:09:31", "29 08 2024 07:09:41", "29 08 2024 07:09:51", "29 08 2024 07:10:01", "29 08 2024 07:10:11", "29 08 2024 07:10:21", "29 08 2024 07:10:31", "29 08 2024 07:10:41", "29 08 2024 07:10:51", "29 08 2024 07:11:01", "29 08 2024 07:11:11", "29 08 2024 07:11:21", "29 08 2024 07:11:31", "29 08 2024 07:11:41", "29 08 2024 07:11:51", "29 08 2024 07:12:01", "29 08 2024 07:12:11", "29 08 2024 07:12:21", "29 08 2024 07:12:31", "29 08 2024 07:12:41", "29 08 2024 07:12:51", "29 08 2024 07:13:01", "29 08 2024 07:13:11", "29 08 2024 07:13:21", "29 08 2024 07:13:31", "29 08 2024 07:13:41", "29 08 2024 07:13:51", "29 08 2024 07:14:01", "29 08 2024 07:14:11", "29 08 2024 07:14:21", "29 08 2024 07:14:31", "29 08 2024 07:14:41", "29 08 2024 07:14:51", "29 08 2024 07:15:01", "29 08 2024 07:15:11", "29 08 2024 07:15:21", "29 08 2024 07:15:31", "29 08 2024 07:15:41", "29 08 2024 07:15:51", "29 08 2024 07:16:01", "29 08 2024 07:16:11", "29 08 2024 07:16:21", "29 08 2024 07:16:31", "29 08 2024 07:16:41", "29 08 2024 07:16:51", "29 08 2024 07:17:01", "29 08 2024 07:17:11", "29 08 2024 07:17:21", "29 08 2024 07:17:31", "29 08 2024 07:17:41", "29 08 2024 07:17:51", "29 08 2024 07:18:01", "29 08 2024 07:18:11", "29 08 2024 07:18:21", "29 08 2024 07:18:31", "29 08 2024 07:18:41", "29 08 2024 07:18:51", "29 08 2024 07:19:01", "29 08 2024 07:19:11", "29 08 2024 07:19:21", "29 08 2024 07:19:31", "29 08 2024 07:19:41", "29 08 2024 07:19:51", "29 08 2024 07:20:01", "29 08 2024 07:20:11", "29 08 2024 07:20:21", "29 08 2024 07:20:31", "29 08 2024 07:20:41", "29 08 2024 07:20:51",
        series: [{
            name: 'Hello',
            info: 'hello',
            type: 'line',
            data: [
                357, 171, 472, 909, 707, 411, 470, 990, 112, 369, 428, 451, 44, 869, 710, 782, 718, 491, 479, 976, 438, 953, 976, 363, 886, 479, 274, 809, 625, 808, 569, 226, 158, 646, 196, 506, 754, 114, 513, 535, 271, 428, 155, 97, 412, 661, 181, 118, 616, 297, 23, 460, 344, 274, 467, 937, 839, 355, 290, 765, 647, 462, 90, 439, 737, 439, 194, 186, 973, 667, 181, 425, 84, 453, 43, 835, 99, 209, 580, 465, 329, 740, 541, 237, 17, 631, 916, 300, 745, 826, 63, 900, 990, 450, 560, 99, 21, 981, 954,
        stroke: {
            width: 2,
            curve: 'smooth',
        xaxis: {
            type: 'category',     //category    datetime     numeric
            //tickAmount: 20,
            tooltip: { enabled: false, },
            tickPlacement: 'on',
            labels: { rotate: -60, },
        yaxis: [
                show: true,
                labels: {
                    show: true,
                axisBorder: { show: false, },
                axisTicks: { show: false, },
                tooltip: { enabled: true, offsetX: -20, },
        tooltip: {
            enabled: true,
            shared: true,
            intersect: false,
            inverseOrder: false,
            //custom: function({series, seriesIndex, dataPointIndex, w}) {   return 'HELLO!';  }),
    var chart = new ApexCharts(document.querySelector("#chart"), options);
    //Replacing tickamount
    function replace_tickamount(){
        width = document.body.clientWidth;
        newtickamount = 0;
        if (width > 1000){
            newtickamount = 10;
        } else if (width > 500) {
            newtickamount = 8;
        } else {
            newtickamount = 4;
          xaxis: {  
             tickAmount: newtickamount,
             labels: {
                formatter: chart.w.config.xaxis.labels.formatter
    addEventListener("resize", (event) => {
    <div id="chart"></div>
    <script src=""></script>
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