The issue I am having is that if you type quickly, it doesn’t convert this correctly to MM/YY, something like the following could happen:
Secondly, pasting in the value I would expect to auto convert as well. I tried adding paste to no avail.
Here’s a JSFIDDLE.
$('.card-expiry').on('keyup change blur', function(e) {
function formatCCExpiryDate(e) {
var inputChar = String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode);
var code = event.keyCode;
var allowedKeys = [8];
if (allowedKeys.indexOf(code) !== -1) {
} =
/^([1-9]/|[2-9])$/g, '0$1/'
/^(0[1-9]|1[0-2])$/g, '$1/'
/^([0-1])([3-9])$/g, '0$1/$2'
/^(0?[1-9]|1[0-2])([0-9]{2})$/g, '$1/$2'
/^([0]+)/|[0]+$/g, '0'
/[^d/]|^[/]*$/g, ''
////g, '/'
<script src=""></script>
<div class="inline-fields">
<input class="card-expiry" placeholder="MM / YY" type="tel" maxlength="5" x-autocompletetype="cc-exp" autocompletetype="cc-exp" autocorrect="off" spellcheck="off" autocapitalize="off">
You can try the
event instead of the keyup event. The input event will fire for each input change, including paste operations, ensuring the format is updated in real-time.You might want to use input or keydown event, instead of keyup event. Keyup will fail when you press a key, and then before releasing it, press another. This may cause a problem as on fast typing there may be multiple keys which may not be released. For example, if you continuously press 1 you will end up with 11111 rather then 11/11. To handle the pasting option you can use input event in jQuery see the following example.