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I have an issue running with jquery 3.6.3 and I am using (I am targeting bootstrap 4)

I created a barebones Rails 7 App:

rails _7.0.4_ new rails7BStestapp -T --css=bootstrap -j esbuild
cd rails7BStestapp
yarn add jquery

Then created a load_dependencies.js file in app/javascript that looks like:

import jquery from 'jquery'
import DataTable from ""

window.jQuery = jquery
window.$ = jquery
window.DataTable = DataTable();

and finally in app/javascript/application.js I added:

import "./load_dependencies.js"

After creating a simple controller

rails g controller home index

and going to localhost:3000/home/index

In the console I get:

application-ca1281b74271bb2669fc8d31a6756411b650c76d13311ce2fd4b9854109592f0.js:18137 Uncaught TypeError: this.each is not a function
    at DataTable (application-ca1281b74271bb2669fc8d31a6756411b650c76d13311ce2fd4b9854109592f0.js:18137:10)
    at application-ca1281b74271bb2669fc8d31a6756411b650c76d13311ce2fd4b9854109592f0.js:23743:22
    at application-ca1281b74271bb2669fc8d31a6756411b650c76d13311ce2fd4b9854109592f0.js:23744:3

Any ideas?



  1. Always use a fallback when loading data off a server, since array/object methods will throw an exception if used on undefined.

    For your case, you may wish to define window.DataTable like this instead:

    window.DataTable = DataTable() ? DataTable : [];

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  2. I got similar issue and my guess is that you have not included jquery in your package.json. Please add that and do npm install.
    Let me know if I can help further.

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