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Each of the following if statements works perfectly as long as the other if statement isn’t present.

I don’t understand why having both if statements causes the function not to work.

I’ve tried so many variations but can’t figure it out.

This is the code:

    let lItem = document.querySelectorAll(".listing-item");
    let mItem = document.querySelectorAll(".menu-item");    
    let destination = $(this).attr("href");

    if ( $(this).parent(lItem) )  {
        tlUp.tweenTo(0, {
            onComplete: () => {
                window.location = destination;

    if ( $(this).parent(mItem) ) {
        tlMenu.tweenTo(0, {
            onComplete: () => {
                window.location = destination;



  1. The jQuery .parent() method expects a string or nothing for argument, you are passing an instance of NodeList, that is equivalent to passing nothing. For this reason both your conditions are true, because $(this) always has a parent (since it is not document root).

    If you want to check whether an element’s parent belongs to certain groups defined by lItem or mItem, you should use a different approach. A correct way to do this is by using jQuery’s .closest() method, which accepts a string selector and traverses up the DOM to find the first ancestor that matches the provided selector.

    For example:

    if ($(this).closest('.listing-item').length > 0) {
        // one ancestor belongs to the 'listing-item' class
    if ($(this).closest('.menu-item').length > 0) {
        // one ancestor belongs to the 'menu-item' class

    Or, if you want to check if element parent has that specific class, you could use this form:

    if ($(this).parent().is('.listing-item')) {
        // the parent belongs to the 'listing-item' class
    if ($(this).parent().is('.menu-item')) {
        // the parent belongs to the 'menu-item' class

    In this last example .parent() is used to select direct parent of current element, then .is(...) is used to check if that parent element has that specific class.

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  2. Based on your given code, it seems like you want to check that if an immediate parent of <a> has a specific class (either listing-item or menu-item) then based on that perform a different action.

    In that case, you need to modify your code like the below: (by using .hasClass() along with .parent())

        let destination = $(this).attr("href");
        if ( $(this).parent().hasClass('listing-item') )  {
            tlUp.tweenTo(0, {
                onComplete: () => {
                    window.location = destination;
        if ( $(this).parent().hasClass('menu-item') ) {
            tlMenu.tweenTo(0, {
                onComplete: () => {
                    window.location = destination;




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