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I get the contents of a text file into an array and then sequentially get the elements of the array and try to add the elements to the json:


JSON=$(jq -n '')
readarray -t array < ./station.sample

for e in "${array[@]}"
    if echo "$e" | grep -Eq '^[0-9]{10}' >/dev/null
        datetime=`date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' -d "@$e"`
        JSON=$(echo $JSON | jq --arg timestamp "${timestamp}" '. += $ARGS.named')
        JSON=$(echo $JSON | jq --arg datetime "${datetime}" '. += $ARGS.named')

    if echo "$e" | grep '^Station ' >/dev/null
        NODE=$(jq -n '')
        mac=`echo "$e" | awk '{ print $2 }'`
        interface=`echo "$e" | awk '{ print $4 }' | rev | cut -c2- | rev`

        JSON=$(echo $JSON | jq --argjson nodes "[]" '. += $ARGS.named')
        JSON=$(echo $JSON | jq --arg mac "${mac}" --arg count "${count}" '.nodes[0] += {"mac": $mac}')
    JSON=$(echo $JSON | jq --arg interface "${interface}" '.nodes[0] += {"interface": $interface}')


As a result, I get a json like this:

  "timestamp": "1721396365",
  "datetime": "2024-07-19 16:39:25",
  "nodes": [
      "mac": "14:88:00:00:00:06"

But I need to add multiple objects to the list, so I set a count variable and want to use it to specify the index of the list:

JSON=$(echo $JSON | jq --arg mac "${mac}" --arg count "${count}" '.nodes[$count] += {"mac": $mac}')

But in this variant adding list items doesn’t work.

How can I dynamically specify the index of the list?

I’ve tried all the options that came to mind, but I haven’t found a solution yet:

 NODE=$(echo $NODE | jq --arg mac "$mac" '. += $ARGS.named')
 NODE=$(echo $NODE | jq --arg interface "${interface}" '. += $ARGS.named')
 JSON=$(echo $JSON | jq --argjson node "${NODE}" '.nodes[.nodes | length] = $ARGS.named')

It is necessary to use a variable to specify the index of the list.



  1. .nodes[$count] += {"mac": $mac}

    But in this variant adding list items doesn’t work.

    That’s because when you use += for arrays, the RHS must be an array, like so:

     .nodes[$count] += [{"mac": $mac}]

    By the way, I suspect you could greatly simplify things by using jq to do all (or at least nearly all) the required manipulations, thus avoiding the bash/awk/grep messiness.

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  2. It was interesting to deep dive into jq scripting, and here it is.

    There is no clue as to what the input is and what the desired output is, so here are my assumptions:

    • Input data is lines starting with Unix timestamps or starting with Station (nodes), and other ignored lines.
      Simple input generator:

      for _i in {0..10}; do
        case $_i in
        1 | 7 | 8)
          echo "$(date +%s -d "now - $((10 - $_i)) days") rest..";;
          echo "other log line";;
          printf "Station 14:88:00:00:00:%02X some   iface%d.12x rest...n" "$_i" "$_i";;
      done >./station.sample
    • Output is a grouping of stations/nodes ("mac" and "iface") by unix timestamps.
      The result for test input above:

          "nodes": [
            {"mac": "14:88:00:00:00:00", "interface": "iface0.12"}
        }, {
          "timestamp": 1721465934, "datetime": "2024-07-20 08:58:54",
          "nodes": [
            {"mac": "14:88:00:00:00:02", "interface": "iface2.12"},
            {"mac": "14:88:00:00:00:03", "interface": "iface3.12"},
            {"mac": "14:88:00:00:00:05", "interface": "iface5.12"},
            {"mac": "14:88:00:00:00:06", "interface": "iface6.12"}
        }, {
          "timestamp": 1721984334, "datetime": "2024-07-26 08:58:54",
          "nodes": []
        }, {
          "timestamp": 1722070734, "datetime": "2024-07-27 08:58:54",
          "nodes": [
            {"mac": "14:88:00:00:00:09", "interface": "iface9.12"},
            {"mac": "14:88:00:00:00:0A", "interface": "iface10.12"}

    Here is jq filter, save this into filter.jq:

      inputs |                     # read input file line by line without parsing, this requere -Rn flags
      if test("^\d{10}") then     # parse line with unix timestamps
        .[0:10] | tonumber | {
          timestamp: .,
          datetime: gmtime | strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
      elif test("^Station ") then  # parse line with "station"
        [splits("\s+")] | {
          mac: .[1],
          interface: .[3][:-1],    # trim last character
      else                         # other lines, skip them
    ] + [{timestamp: null}] |      # append empty object for complete last group in the following 'foreach'
      foreach .[] as $_o (         # groupping timestamps and stations/nodes
        [[], []];
        if $_o | has("timestamp") then [[$_o], .[0]] else [(.[0] + [$_o]), []] end;
        if ($_o | has("timestamp")) and (.[1] | length) > 0 then
          if .[1][0] | has("timestamp") then
            .[1][0] + {
              nodes: .[1][1:]
            {nodes: .[1]}          # case without Unix timestamp (file beginning)

    This filter should be run with the -Rn flags, e.g.:

    jq -Rn -f ./filter.jq <./station.sample
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