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I have a json file that I would like to export or convert in csv or table format

My json source file is like this :

      "host_display_name" : "DCWKS10",
      "host_groups" : [
      "next_check" : 1698741835,
      "notes" : "",
      "notes_expanded" : "",
      "notes_url" : "",
      "notes_url_expanded" : "",
      "notification_interval" : 0.0,
      "notification_period" : "TP",
      "notifications_enabled" : 1,
      "obsess_over_service" : 1,
      "peer_key" : "7215e",
      "peer_name" : "Nagios",
      "percent_state_change" : 0.0,
      "perf_data" : "'E:\ Used Space'=1475.08Gb;1474.56;1556.48;0.00;1638.40",
      "plugin_output" : "E:\ - total: 1638.40 Gb - used: 1475.08 Gb (90%) - free 163.32 Gb (10%)",
      "process_performance_data" : 1,
      "retry_interval" : 1.0,
      "scheduled_downtime_depth" : 0,
      "state" : 1,
      "state_order" : 1,
      "state_type" : 1
      "host_display_name" : "DCWKS50",
      "host_groups" : [
      "next_check" : 1698741896,
      "notes" : "",
      "notes_expanded" : "",
      "notes_url" : "",
      "notes_url_expanded" : "",
      "notification_interval" : 0.0,
      "notification_period" : "TP",
      "notifications_enabled" : 1,
      "obsess_over_service" : 1,
      "peer_key" : "7215e",
      "peer_name" : "Nagios",
      "percent_state_change" : 0.0,
      "perf_data" : "C=86.15;106.73;106.73;0;106.73 ",
      "plugin_output" : "CRITICAL - Disk D: 24.75 Gb (1.7%) Free",
      "process_performance_data" : 1,
      "retry_interval" : 1.0,
      "scheduled_downtime_depth" : 0,
      "state" : 2,
      "state_order" : 4,
      "state_type" : 1

I have all variables $jsonObj.host_display_name, $jsonObj.host_groups …. but I don’t know how to build an array formatted like this :

host_display_name host_groups

Thank you for your help



  1. Here you can make use of PowerShell’s ConvertFrom-Json commandlet and Format-Table:

    # Import the file contents and convert from Json to a PowerShell object.
    $JsonData = Get-Content "source.json" | ConvertFrom-Json
    # Select the headings you want, and format as a table
    $JsonData | Select-Object host_display_name,host_groups | Format-Table
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  2. There is already an accepted answer. I want to add an answer that generates a csv file. A csv file will be more useful for downstream processing of the data.

    ConvertFrom-JSON is part of the solution. The next step after that is to convert the result into an array of custom objects. This can be converted into csv, or into just about any data structure you want.

    Get-content source.json |
        ConvertFrom-Json |
        % { [pscustomobject] $_} |
        Select-Object host_display_name, host groups |
        Export-Csv Result.csv
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