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There are many questions on how to post JSON via curl. And I am able to send one word as json but not the whole text.

My requirement is to comment a merge request when one job fail in our GitLab CI.

# From .gitlab-ci.yaml
    - report=$(find services/ -name '*')
    - comment="Job failed.nn$(cat "$report")"
    - if [[ "${CI_JOB_STATUS}" == "failed" ]] ; then bash -c "source .gitlab-ci/; gitlab-comment_merge_request "$comment"" ; fi
# From .gitlab-ci/
function gitlab-comment_merge_request() {
  curl -v --location -X POST "$url" 
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" 
    --data '{"body": "'"$comment"'"}'

Unfortunately, the comment that is created contains only the first word, Job.

I have tried many techniques to build and send the JSON payload. But all give the same result.

So I thought it could be a mistake when creating the $comment variable in my .gitlab-ci.yaml. However, echo $comment in the same file give the right content.

Now, I’m lost. Do you know why the $comment variable that should contain a large text (a markdown text with title, subtitles, and lists) is not sent ?




  1. A simplified version of this would look like:

    comment="Job failed.${nl}${nl}$(find services/ -name '*' -exec cat -- {} +)"
    if [ "${CI_JOB_STATUS}" = "failed" ] ; then
      . .gitlab-ci/
      gitlab_comment_merge_request "$comment"


    • Because you were quoting the output from find before passing it to cat, cat was looking for a single file with all the filenames concatenated together as its name. Don’t do that. Using find ... -exec cat -- {} + correctly handles names with spaces without creating new bugs.
    • We’ve taken out bash-only syntax: Changed == to =, [[ to [.
    • We took out the use of bash -c and the exec boundary between parent and child processes it implied. If we hadn’t done this we would need to export comment.
    • We changed the source keyword to its POSIX-compliant synonym, .
    • We took the dash out of the function name (this does require the file being sourced to change).

    A POSIX-compliant version of your function might look like:

    # note we had to rename this: dashes are not required to work in function names in sh
    gitlab_comment_merge_request() {
      body=$(jq -n --var comment "$1" '{"body":$comment}') 
      curl -v --location -X POST "$url" 
        --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: $GITLAB_CI_TOKEN" 
        --header "Content-Type: application/json" 
        --data '{"body": "'"$comment"'"}'

    If you don’t have jq installed, it’s straightforward to write a shell wrapper for Python’s json module for the same purpose.

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  2. It is possible to minimize all the logic and JSON formatting into a single shell script:


        - bash

    #!/usr/bin/env sh
    # If no failed job do nothing, exit
    [ "$CI_JOB_STATUS" = failed ] || exit
    # Dummy url for demo purpose
    # Prepare report as a stream
        printf 'Job failed.nn'
        printf '%sn' ./services/*
    } |
    # Stream to jq to process report as raw input string into JSON
        '{"body": .}' |
    # Stream JSON data to curl so that it can handle very large payloads
        --url "$url" 
        --request POST 
        --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: $GITLAB_CI_TOKEN" 
        --header "Content-Type: application/json" 
        --data @- # This takes data from the STDIN stream

    In case the JSON data payload is very large, it is a safer option to stream it to curl with --data @- rather than passing it as an argument which turns out to be rather limited by the system’s maximum allowed argument length.

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