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I’m looking for a way to check if file provided to the script matches a schema that is required by the script. My powershell version is 5 so no access to Test-Json cmndlet. Any ideas?

JSON schema to be checked against.

$json_content = @"

Example file to be checked (positively)

$json_content = @"
        "1":"THIS IS OK",

Example file 2 to be checked (and failed)

$json_content = @"



  1. PowerShell 7 comes with Test-Json, a command with which you can validate a JSON document against a JSON schema.

    First, we’ll need to define a schema that describes the required JSON format:

    $schema = @'
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "buttons": {
          "$ref": "#/$defs/stringtuple"
        "Text": {
          "$ref": "#/$defs/stringtuple"
      "$defs": {
        "stringtuple": {
          "type": "object",
          "properties": {
            "1": { "type": "string" },
            "2": { "type": "string" }
      "required": ["buttons","Text"]

    Here, we describe a root object with two properties, buttons and Text, both of which are required to have a value described by the nested stringtuple schema – an object that consists of two string properties 1 and 2.

    Now it’s simply a question of calling Test-Json:

    $isValidJson = Test-Json $json_content -Schema $schema
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  2. This approach will compare the noteproperty members between 2 PSObjects and will return false if any of the following occurs:

    • The template contains properties that are not found in the target.
    • The target contains properties that are not found in the template.
    • A property which exists in both has different data types.

    The basic idea is:

    1. Convert the JSON into psCustomObjects.
    2. Compare the noteproperties of the highest level object of the template and target.
    3. Recursively compare any properties which are themselves psCustomObjects (but return false as soon as a mismatch is found)

    Please note that this will only work with noteproperties. If you try to compare complex objects containing methods or other property types then this will not work.

    Test Data:

    #this represents the structure that we expect. This is our template
    $templateJson = @"
    $expectedJsonStructure = $templateJson | ConvertFrom-Json
    #this is a test case that should be considered valid
    $expectPassJSON = @"
    $expectPassStructure = $expectPassJSON | ConvertFrom-Json
    #this test case should fail because "buttons" is now a [string] instead of a [pscustomobject]
    $expectFailJSON = @"
        "buttons": "Fail on type mismatch",
    $expectFailStructure = $expectFailJSON | ConvertFrom-Json
    #this test case should fail because "text.1" is now an integer instead of a string
    $expectFailJSON2 = @"
    $expectFailStructure2 = $expectFailJSON2 | ConvertFrom-Json
    #this test case should fail because the property names do not match the template
    $expectFailJSON3 = @"
    $expectFailStructure3 = $expectFailJSON3 | ConvertFrom-Json

    Function for comparing the object structures:

    Function Verify-PSObjectStructure{
        #returns false after finding any mismatches
        $anyFail = $false
        $templateProps = $template | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty
        $targetProps = $target | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty
        #check for properties in the template that are not found in the target
        if(@($templateProps.Name).Where({$_ -notin $targetProps.Name}).Count -gt 0){
            return $false
        #check for properties in the target that are not found in the template
        if(@($targetProps.Name).Where({$_ -notin $templateProps.Name}).count -gt 0){
            return $false
        #for all properties shared between the objects, check if their values have the same type
        $sharedProps = @($templateProps.Name).Where({$_ -in $targetProps.Name})
            if($template.($_).GetType() -ne $target.($_).GetType()){
                $anyFail = $true
            return $false
        #for any properties that are PSObjects, do a recursive call to compare their properties
            if($template.($_).GetType() -eq [System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject]){
                if( -not(Verify-PSObjectStructure -template $template.$_ -target $target.$_)){
                    $anyFail = $true
        return -not $anyFail
    #should return True
    Verify-PSObjectStructure -template $expectedJsonStructure -target $expectPassStructure
    #should return False
    Verify-PSObjectStructure -template $expectedJsonStructure -target $expectFailStructure

    Function for seeing what the custom Verify-PSObjectStructure function is doing:

    Function Explain-PSObjectStructure(){
        $templateProps = $template | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty
        $targetProps = $target | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty
        Write-Host ([string]::Concat('*** Explaining properties of "', $objectDescription, '" ***'))
        $templatePropertiesNotInTarget = @($templateProps.Name).Where({$_ -notin $targetProps.Name})
        if($templatePropertiesNotInTarget.Count -gt 0){
            Write-Host 'FAIL: Template properties not found in target properties'
            $templatePropertiesNotInTarget | Out-Host
            Write-Host 'PASS: All properties in the template are found in the target. Shared properties: '
            $templateProps.Name | Out-Host
        $targetPropertiesNotInTemplate = @($targetProps.Name).Where({$_ -notin $templateProps.Name})
        if($targetPropertiesNotInTemplate.count -gt 0){
            Write-Host 'FAIL: Target properties not found in template properties'
            $targetPropertiesNotInTemplate | Out-Host
            Write-Host 'PASS: All properties in the target are found in the template.'
        $sharedProps = @($templateProps.Name).Where({$_ -in $targetProps.Name})
        $propertiesWithDifferentTypes = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
            if($template.($_).GetType() -ne $target.($_).GetType()){
                [string]::Concat('FAIL: Target property "', $_, '" of type "', $target.($_).GetType(), '" does not match the template. Expected type "', $template.($_).GetType(), '"') | Out-Host
                $propertiesWithDifferentTypes.Add($_) | Out-Null
                [string]::Concat('PASS: Property "', $_, '" type matches between template and target') | Out-Host
        $propertiesThatAreObjects = $sharedProps.ForEach({
            if($template.($_).GetType() -eq [System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject]){
        if($propertiesThatAreObjects.Count -gt 0){
            [string]::Concat('Checking properties of all psobjects that belong to "', $objectDescription, '"') | Out-Host
            $propertiesThatAreObjects.Name | Out-Host
            [string]::Concat('Object "', $objectDescription, '" does not contain any shared properties which are psobjects') | Out-Host
            if($_ -in $propertiesWithDifferentTypes){
                [string]::Concat('Property "', $_, '" type does not match between template and target. Skipping detailed comparison') | Out-Host
                Explain-PSObjectStructure -template $template.$_ -target $target.$_ -objectDescription $_
        [string]::Concat('*** finished processing all properties and child items of "', $objectDescription,'" ***') | Out-Host
    #all items checked should yield a PASS message
    Explain-PSObjectStructure -template $expectedJsonStructure -target $expectPassStructure -objectDescription 'ParentObject'
    #at least one item checked should yield a FAIL message
    Explain-PSObjectStructure -template $expectedJsonStructure -target $expectFailStructure -objectDescription 'ParentObject'
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