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I need help in transforming a string to json to put the values in separated lines.
Using tsql (2019)

How do I have to transform the provided data (payload) into a json to create the expected result or is there another way to splitt the data?

Thank you in advanced.

AS for the main keys it works but I would like to have the interests in separated lines as well
current result:

CustomerID payload payload_json key value
10001 {diet:[vegetarian],interest:[cooking,fitness,technology,interior,diy,talk,gaming,fashion]} {"diet":["vegetarian"],"interest":["cooking","fitness","technology","interior","diy","talk","gaming","fashion"]} diet vegetarian
10001 {diet:[vegetarian],interest:[cooking,fitness,technology,interior,diy,talk,gaming,fashion]} {"diet":["vegetarian"],"interest":["cooking","fitness","technology","interior","diy","talk","gaming","fashion"]} interest ["cooking","fitness","technology","interior","diy","talk","gaming","fashion"]

Expected Result:

CustomerID Key Value
10001 diet vegetarian
10001 interest Cooking
10001 interest fitness
10001 interest technology



  1. It seems you just want a dynamic OPENJSON call.

    FROM YourTable t
    CROSS APPLY OPENJSON(t.payload_json, '$.' + t.[key]) j;


    What the relevance of the payload and value columns are to the question I don’t know, your logic is not clear.

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  2. You can do a little replace thing:

    SELECT  replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(payload, '{', '{"'), ':', '":'), '[', '["'), '],', ']$'), ',', '","'), ']', '"]'), ']$', '],"')
    FROM    (
        VALUES  (10001, N'{diet:[vegetarian],interest:[cooking,fitness,technology,interior,diy,talk,gaming,fashion]}')
    ) t (CustomerID,payload)

    This converts the payload column into a json which you can use together with openjson.

    The replace won’t work if you have embedded "," etc, but for simple values it might be good enough. You oughtta get rid of this weird format and use json right away though

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