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I am trying to import data from two sensors (many more actually but this is just a test case). The final product should be a data frame or table that has 4 columns – two for each sensor. One is the time of the data collection, the other is the return data. I can’t include the url that accesses the data because it includes keys for access but the start looks like this
The following code runs fine

response <- httr::GET(url_complete_noDates, query = list(start_date = "2022-07-01 00:00:00", end_date = "2022-07-01 02:00:00"))

jsonRespText <- content(response, as =  "text") 
j <- fromJSON(jsonRespText)

But I can’t figure out how to parse this into a data frame. This gets close

j_data <- j$data
df_json1 <- as_tibble(j_data, validate = F) 
temp_unnest <- df_json1 %>% unnest(cols = names(df_json1)) 

Here is the dput output for j. The time value is the time of the data download in seconds from 1970-01-01-00:00 MDT. Each element like this – 1656655200 = "38" is the time/data point that should go in a row of the the data frame.

list(code = 0L, msg = "success", time = "1673535777", data = list(
    soil_ch1 = list(soilmoisture = list(unit = "%", list = list(
        `1656655200` = "38", `1656657000` = "38", `1656658800` = "38", 
        `1656660600` = "38", `1656662400` = "38"))), soil_ch2 = list(
        soilmoisture = list(unit = "%", list = list(`1656655200` = "48", 
            `1656657000` = "48", `1656658800` = "48", `1656660600` = "48", 
            `1656662400` = "48")))))



  1. You can transform the nested list into a data.frame, reshape it to the name-value format with pivot_longer, and separate the name column into multiple columns with the separators "\.".

    library(tidyr)$data) %>%
      pivot_longer(everything()) %>%
      separate(name, paste0("col", 1:4), sep = '\.', fill = 'right')
    # # A tibble: 12 × 5
    #    col1     col2         col3  col4       value
    #    <chr>    <chr>        <chr> <chr>      <chr>
    #  1 soil_ch1 soilmoisture unit  NA         %    
    #  2 soil_ch1 soilmoisture list  1656655200 38   
    #  3 soil_ch1 soilmoisture list  1656657000 38   
    #  4 soil_ch1 soilmoisture list  1656658800 38   
    #  5 soil_ch1 soilmoisture list  1656660600 38   
    #  6 soil_ch1 soilmoisture list  1656662400 38   
    #  7 soil_ch2 soilmoisture unit  NA         %    
    #  8 soil_ch2 soilmoisture list  1656655200 48   
    #  9 soil_ch2 soilmoisture list  1656657000 48   
    # 10 soil_ch2 soilmoisture list  1656658800 48   
    # 11 soil_ch2 soilmoisture list  1656660600 48   
    # 12 soil_ch2 soilmoisture list  1656662400 48
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  2. Here is another approach, melting the nested list into a long data.frame with reshape2::melt():

    #>         value         L5   L4           L3       L2   L1
    #> 1           0       <NA> <NA>         <NA>     <NA> code
    #> 2     success       <NA> <NA>         <NA>     <NA>  msg
    #> 3  1673535777       <NA> <NA>         <NA>     <NA> time
    #> 4           %       <NA> unit soilmoisture soil_ch1 data
    #> 5          38 1656655200 list soilmoisture soil_ch1 data
    #> 6          38 1656657000 list soilmoisture soil_ch1 data
    #> 7          38 1656658800 list soilmoisture soil_ch1 data
    #> 8          38 1656660600 list soilmoisture soil_ch1 data
    #> 9          38 1656662400 list soilmoisture soil_ch1 data
    #> 10          %       <NA> unit soilmoisture soil_ch2 data
    #> 11         48 1656655200 list soilmoisture soil_ch2 data
    #> 12         48 1656657000 list soilmoisture soil_ch2 data
    #> 13         48 1656658800 list soilmoisture soil_ch2 data
    #> 14         48 1656660600 list soilmoisture soil_ch2 data
    #> 15         48 1656662400 list soilmoisture soil_ch2 data

    Or to have more control in melting the nested list, we could use rrapply() in package rrapply:

      condition = (x, .xname) !.xname %in% c("code", "msg", "time", "unit"),
      f = as.numeric,
      how = "melt"
    #>      L1       L2           L3   L4         L5 value
    #> 1  data soil_ch1 soilmoisture list 1656655200    38
    #> 2  data soil_ch1 soilmoisture list 1656657000    38
    #> 3  data soil_ch1 soilmoisture list 1656658800    38
    #> 4  data soil_ch1 soilmoisture list 1656660600    38
    #> 5  data soil_ch1 soilmoisture list 1656662400    38
    #> 6  data soil_ch2 soilmoisture list 1656655200    48
    #> 7  data soil_ch2 soilmoisture list 1656657000    48
    #> 8  data soil_ch2 soilmoisture list 1656658800    48
    #> 9  data soil_ch2 soilmoisture list 1656660600    48
    #> 10 data soil_ch2 soilmoisture list 1656662400    48

    Instead, we can also unnest to a wide data.frame if that is more appropriate:

      how = "bind", 
      options = list(coldepth = 5, namecols = TRUE)
    #>     L1       L2           L3   L4 1656655200 1656657000 1656658800 1656660600 1656662400
    #> 1 data soil_ch1 soilmoisture list         38         38         38         38         38
    #> 2 data soil_ch2 soilmoisture list         48         48         48         48         48
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