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I used to use the following VBA code to parse data.

However, now the JSON parser is giving the following error.

Error of JSON Parser

I use the following VBA code.

Option Explicit

Sub nse()
Dim req As New MSXML2.XMLHTTP60
Dim url As String, defaultPayload As String, requestPayload As String, results() As String
Dim payloadJSON As Object, responseJSON As Object, item As Object
Dim startD As Date, endD As Date
Dim key As Variant
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim rng As Range

startD = "01/02/2020" 'Start date
endD = "29/02/2020" 'end date
url = ""
defaultPayload = "{'name':'NIFTY 50','startDate':'','endDate':''}"
Set rng = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("NSE").Range("A2") 'Output worksheet name.

Set payloadJSON = JsonConverter.ParseJson(defaultPayload)
payloadJSON("startDate") = Day(startD) & "-" & MonthName(Month(startD), True) & "-" & Year(startD) '01-Feb-2020
payloadJSON("endDate") = Day(endD) & "-" & MonthName(Month(endD), True) & "-" & Year(endD) '29-Feb-2020
requestPayload = JsonConverter.ConvertToJson(payloadJSON)

With req
    .Open "POST", url, False
    .setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8"
    .setRequestHeader "X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest"
    .send requestPayload
    Set responseJSON = JsonConverter.ParseJson(.responseText)
End With
Debug.Print responseJSON("d")
Set responseJSON = JsonConverter.ParseJson(responseJSON("d"))
ReDim results(1 To responseJSON.Count, 1 To 7)
i = 0
For Each item In responseJSON
    i = i + 1
    j = 0
    For Each key In item
        j = j + 1
        results(i, j) = item(key)
    Next key
Next item
rng.Resize(UBound(results, 1), UBound(results, 2)) = results
End Sub

I understand the the Error is in Json Parser.
I am not able to decode the error.
Thanks in Advance…



  1. You’re not properly constructing the payload for the POST. It should look like this:

    {"cinfo":"{"name":"NIFTY 50","indexName":"NIFTY 50","startDate":"02-Jan-2020","endDate":"29-Feb-2020"}"}

    Note that the value for the key cinfo is itself a JSON string (not a nested JSON object!) so it needs the proper escaping…

    Revised and working for me:

    Sub nse()
        Const URL As String = ""
        Dim req As New MSXML2.XMLHTTP60
        Dim requestPayload As String, results() As String
        Dim responseJSON As Object, item As Object
        Dim startD As Date, endD As Date, dict As Object, dict2 As Object
        Dim key As Variant
        Dim i As Long, j As Long
        Dim rng As Range
        startD = "01/02/2020" 'Start date
        endD = "29/02/2020" 'end date
        'construct the payload for the POST
        Set dict = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
        dict("name") = "NIFTY 50"
        dict("indexName") = "NIFTY 50"
        dict("startDate") = Format(startD, "dd-mmm-yyyy") '01-Feb-2020
        dict("endDate") = Format(endD, "dd-mmm-yyyy") '29-Feb-2020
        Set dict2 = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
        dict2("cinfo") = JsonConverter.ConvertToJson(dict)
        requestPayload = JsonConverter.ConvertToJson(dict2) '<<<<<<
        Debug.Print requestPayload
        With req
            .Open "POST", URL, False
            .setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8"
            .setRequestHeader "X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest"
            .send requestPayload
            Set responseJSON = JsonConverter.ParseJson(.responseText)
        End With
        Debug.Print responseJSON("d")
        Set responseJSON = JsonConverter.ParseJson(responseJSON("d"))
        ReDim results(1 To responseJSON.count, 1 To 8) '<< not 7
        i = 0
        For Each item In responseJSON
            i = i + 1
            j = 0
            For Each key In item.Keys
                j = j + 1
                results(i, j) = item(key)
            Next key
        Next item
        Set rng = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("NSE").Range("A2") 'Output worksheet name.
        rng.Resize(UBound(results, 1), UBound(results, 2)) = results
    End Sub
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  2. An alternative similar to Tim Williams’ answer is;

    Sub Test()
        Dim objHTTP As Object
        Dim URL As String, strPayload As String
        Dim responseJSON As Object, objData As Object, item As Object
        Dim dict As Object, dict2 As Object, i As Long
        Range("A1:E" & rows.Count) = ""
        Range("A1:E1") = Array("Date", "Open", "High", "Low", "Close")
        URL = ""
        Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        dict("name") = "NIFTY 50"
        dict("indexName") = "NIFTY 50"
        dict("startDate") = "01-Feb-2020"
        dict("endDate") = "29-Feb-2020"
        Set dict2 = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
        dict2("cinfo") = JsonConverter.ConvertToJson(dict)
        strPayload = JsonConverter.ConvertToJson(dict2)
        Set objHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
        With objHTTP
            .Open "POST", URL, False
            .setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json"
            .send strPayload
            Set responseJSON = JsonConverter.ParseJson(.responseText)
        End With
        Set objData = JsonConverter.ParseJson(responseJSON("d"))
        i = 1
        For Each item In objData
            i = i + 1
            Range("A" & i) = item("HistoricalDate")
            Range("B" & i) = item("OPEN")
            Range("C" & i) = item("HIGH")
            Range("D" & i) = item("LOW")
            Range("E" & i) = item("CLOSE")
    End Sub
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