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I have the following JSON object:

  'organisations': {
    'total-items': '41477',
    'organisation': [
        'mappings': None,
        'active-request': 'false',
        'identifiers': {
          'identifier': {
            'code': 'ORG-100023310',
            'code-system': '100000167446',
            'code-system-name': ' OMS Organization Identifier'
        'name': 'advanceCOR GmbH',
        'operational-attributes': {
          'created-on': '2016-10-18T15:38:34.322+02:00',
          'modified-on': '2022-11-02T08:23:13.989+01:00'
        'locations': {
          'location': [
              'location-id': {
                'link': {
                  'href': 'https://v1/locations/LOC-100052061'
                'id': 'LOC-100052061'
              'location-id': {
                'link': {
                  'href': 'https://v1/locations/LOC-100032442'
                'id ': 'LOC-100032442'
              'location-id': {
                'link': {
                  'href': 'https://v1/locations/LOC-100042003'
                'id': 'LOC-100042003'
        'organisation-id': {
          'link': {
            'rel': 'self',
            'href': 'https://v1 /organisations/ORG-100023310'
          'id': 'ORG-100023310'
        'status': 'ACTIVE'
        'mappings': None,
        'active-request': 'false',
        'identifiers': {
          'identifier': {
            'code': 'ORG-100004261',
            'code-system': '100000167446',
            'code-system-name': 'OMS organization Identifier'
        'name': 'Beacon Pharmaceuticals Limited',
        'operational-attributes': {
          'created-on': '2016-10-18T14:48:16.293+02:00',
          'modified-on': '2022-10-12T08:26:24.645+02:00'
        'locations': {
          'location': [
              'location-id': {
                'link': {
                  'href': 'https://v1/locations/LOC-100005615'
                'id': 'LOC-100005615'
              'location-id': {
                'link': {
                  'href': 'https://v1/locations/LOC-100000912'
                'id': 'LOC-100000912'
              'location-id': {
                'link': {
                  'href': 'https://v1/locations/LOC-100043831'
                'id': 'LOC-100043831'
        'organisation-id': {
          'link': {
            'rel': 'self',
            'href': 'https://v1/organisations/ORG-100004261'
          'id': 'ORG-100004261'
        'status': 'ACTIVE'

I would like to fetch following fields ‘code, name, location, status’ for all the org_id (type of d: class ‘list’, type of d[0) is class ‘dict’. I am using following lines of code however could not fetch all the organisation ids and location_id (only 1 I can get) (shown in current output). How can I get information for all the org_id (shown in expected output)?


with open('organisations.json', encoding='utf-8') as f:
    d = json.load(f)
    print (d[0]['organisations']['organisation'][2]['identifiers']['identifier']['code'])   #code
    print (d[0]['organisations']['organisation'][2]['name'])                                #name
    print (d[0]['organisations']['organisation'][2]['locations'])                       #location
    print (d[0]['organisations']['organisation'][2]['status'])                          #status

current output:

advanceCOR GmbH
{'location': {'location-id': {'link': {'href': 'https://v1/locations/LOC-100052061'}, 'id': ' LOC-100052061'}}}

Expected output:

org_id        org_name                         location_id                                  status
ORG-100023310 advanceCOR GmbH                  LOC-100052061, LOC-100032442, LOC-100042003  ACTIVE
ORG-100004261 Beacon Pharmaceuticals Limited   LOC-100005615, LOC-100000912, LOC-100043831         ACTIVE



  1. You could use a for loop to loop through all your organization,

    with open('organisations.json', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        d = json.load(f)
        # assuming above code is your working code
        # assign organization list in a variable
        organization_list = d[0]['organisations']['organisation']
        # now loop through that list
        for organization in organization_list:
            name = organization['name']
            # fetch other values similary
            # print the values here
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  2. You are getting only 1 row as output because you are printing only index 2. Hope the following will be helpful.

    with open('data.json') as file:
        data = json.load(file)
    result = pd.DataFrame( columns=['org_id', 'org_name', "location_id", "status"])
    organizations = data['organisations']['organisation']
    for organization in organizations:
        record = {
            'org_id': organization['identifiers']['identifier']['code'],
            'org_name': organization['name'],
            'location_id': organization['locations'],
            'status': organization['status']
        result_row = pd.DataFrame.from_records([record])
        result = pd.concat([result, result_row])
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  3. The following extracts the information for both organizations.

    import json
    with open('organisations.json', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        d = json.load(f)
        for organisation in d['organisations']['organisation']:
            print(organisation['identifiers']['identifier']['code'])    #code
            print(organisation['name'])                                 #name
            print(organisation['locations']['location'])                #location
            print(organisation['status'])                               #status


    advanceCOR GmbH
    [{'location-id': {'link': {'href': 'https://v1/locations/LOC-100052061'}, 'id': 'LOC-100052061'}}, {'location-id': {'link': {'href': 'https://v1/locations/LOC-100032442'}, 'id ': 'LOC-100032442'}}, 
    {'location-id': {'link': {'href': 'https://v1/locations/LOC-100042003'}, 'id': 'LOC-100042003'}}]
    Beacon Pharmaceuticals Limited
    [{'location-id': {'link': {'href': 'https://v1/locations/LOC-100005615'}, 'id': 'LOC-100005615'}}, {'location-id': {'link': {'href': 'https://v1/locations/LOC-100000912'}, 'id': 'LOC-100000912'}}, {'location-id': {'link': {'href': 'https://v1/locations/LOC-100043831'}, 'id': 'LOC-100043831'}}]
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  4. Your attempt has two flaws; as others have pointed out, you are only extracting the last item by hardcoding ['organisation'][2], and you are not doing anything to serialize the dictionary of locations into a string.

    Here is a modified version of your code which produces the desired output.

    import json
    fmt = "{0:14}{1:33}{2:45}{3}"
    print(fmt.format("org_id", "org_name", "location_id", "status"))
    with open('organisations.json', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        d = json.load(f)
        for org in d['organisations']['organisation']:
            locations = ", ".join(loc['location-id']['id'] for loc in org['locations']['location'])
                org['name'], locations, org['status']))

    The "JSON" sample you posted was not really valid JSON, so I had to make some changes to it for the code to work.

    If you are new to Python, you might want to avoid the dictionary comprehension loc['location-id']['id'] for loc in org['locations']['location'] in favor of its longhand articulation:

    locations = []
    for loc in org['locations']['location']:
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