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I have a JSON file that contains transactions, and each transaction contains multiple items. I need to flatten the data into SQL Server tables using T-SQL.

I have tried different options to flatten it, but it looks like I am missing something. Anyone who has worked on a similar structure have any ideas how this could be accomplished? 


SELECT @json = JsonPath
FROM [dbo].[stg_transactionsJson] b;

    CONVERT(NVARCHAR(50), JSON_VALUE(c.Value, '$.orderId')) AS orderId,
    CONVERT(DATETIME, JSON_VALUE(c.Value, '$.openTime')) AS openTime,
    CONVERT(DATETIME, JSON_VALUE(c.Value, '$.closeTime')) AS closeTime,
    CONVERT(NVARCHAR(50), JSON_VALUE(c.Value, '$.operatorId')) AS operatorId,
    CONVERT(NVARCHAR(50), JSON_VALUE(c.Value, '$.terminalId')) AS terminalId,
    CONVERT(NVARCHAR(50), JSON_VALUE(c.Value, '$.sessionId')) AS sessionId,
    CONVERT(NVARCHAR(50), JSON_VALUE(p.Value, '$.productGroupId')) AS productGroupId,
    CONVERT(NVARCHAR(150), JSON_VALUE(p.Value, '$.productId')) AS productId,
    CONVERT(NVARCHAR(50), JSON_VALUE(p.Value, '$.quantity')) AS quantity,
    CONVERT(NVARCHAR(150), JSON_VALUE(p.Value, '$.taxValue')) AS taxValue,
    CONVERT(NVARCHAR(50), JSON_VALUE(p.Value, '$.value')) AS ProductValue,
    CONVERT(NVARCHAR(150), JSON_VALUE(p.Value, '$.priceBandId')) AS priceBandId,
    GETDATE() AS DateUpdated
    OPENJSON(@json) AS c
    OPENJSON(c.Value, '$."products"') AS p;

And the sample JSON as follows

  "orderId": 431,
  "openTime": "2022-10-31T13:12:28",
  "closeTime": "2022-10-31T13:12:32",
  "operatorId": 7,
  "terminalId": 4,
  "sessionId": 1,
  "products": [
      "productId": 2632,
      "productGroupId": 162,
      "quantity": 1,
      "taxValue": 0.58,
      "value": 3.5,
      "priceBandId": 2
      "productId": 3224,
      "productGroupId": 164,
      "quantity": 1,
      "taxValue": 0.08,
      "value": 0.5,
      "priceBandId": 2
  "tenders": [
      "tenderId": 2,
      "value": 4.0
  "type": 1,
  "memberId": 1



  1. You can Do it like this

    First declare the values in an with clause and then cross apply the products

    SET @json = '{
      "orderId": 431,
      "openTime": "2022-10-31T13:12:28",
      "closeTime": "2022-10-31T13:12:32",
      "operatorId": 7,
      "terminalId": 4,
      "sessionId": 1,
      "products": [
          "productId": 2632,
          "productGroupId": 162,
          "quantity": 1,
          "taxValue": 0.58,
          "value": 3.5,
          "priceBandId": 2
          "productId": 3224,
          "productGroupId": 164,
          "quantity": 1,
          "taxValue": 0.08,
          "value": 0.5,
          "priceBandId": 2
      "tenders": [
          "tenderId": 2,
          "value": 4.0
      "type": 1,
      "memberId": 1
    SELECT c.orderId
      , JSON_VALUE(p.Value, '$.productGroupId') productGroupId
      , JSON_VALUE(p.Value, '$.productId') productId
      , JSON_VALUE(p.Value, '$.quantity') quantity
      , JSON_VALUE(p.Value, '$.taxValue') taxValue
      , JSON_VALUE(p.Value, '$.value') value
      , JSON_VALUE(p.Value, '$.priceBandId') priceBandId
      ,GETDATE() AS DateUpdated
      OPENJSON(@json)  WITH (
      orderId int '$.orderId',
      openTime date '$.openTime',
      closeTime date '$.closeTime',
      operatorId int '$.operatorId',
      terminalId int '$.terminalId',
      sessionId int '$.sessionId',
      [products] NVARCHAR(MAX) as JSON) c
    CROSS APPLY OPENJSON(c.products) p
    orderId openTime closeTime operatorId terminalId sessionId productGroupId productId quantity taxValue value priceBandId DateUpdated
    431 2022-10-31 2022-10-31 7 4 1 162 2632 1 0.58 3.5 2 2023-01-11 13:57:47.607
    431 2022-10-31 2022-10-31 7 4 1 164 3224 1 0.08 0.5 2 2023-01-11 13:57:47.607


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  2. The expected output defines the exact statement, but if you need to parse nested JSON content you may try a combination of:

    • OPENJSON() with explicit schema and the AS JSON modifier for nested JSON
    • additional APPLY operators for each nested level.


       j1.orderId, j1.openTime, j1.closeTime, j1.operatorId, j1.terminalId, j1.sessionId, j1.type, j1.memberId,
       j2.productGroupId, j2.productId, j2.quantity, j2.taxValue, j2.productValue, j2.priceBandId,
       j3.tenderId, j3.tenderValue
    FROM stg_transactionsJson s
    OUTER APPLY OPENJSON(s.stg_transactionsJson) WITH (
       orderId NVARCHAR(50) '$.orderId',
       openTime DATETIME '$.openTime',
       closeTime DATETIME '$.closeTime',
       operatorId NVARCHAR(50) '$.operatorId',
       terminalId NVARCHAR(50) '$.terminalId',
       sessionId NVARCHAR(50) '$.sessionId',
       products NVARCHAR(MAX) '$.products' AS JSON,
       tenders NVARCHAR(MAX) '$.tenders' AS JSON,
       type int '$.type',
       memberId int '$.memberId'
    ) j1
    OUTER APPLY OPENJSON(j1.products) WITH (
       productGroupId NVARCHAR(50) '$.productGroupId',
       productId NVARCHAR(150) '$.productId',
       quantity NVARCHAR(50) '$.quantity',
       taxValue NVARCHAR(150) '$.taxValue',
       productValue NVARCHAR(50) '$.value',
       priceBandId NVARCHAR(150)'$.priceBandId'
    ) j2
       tenderId NVARCHAR(150) '$.tenderId',
       tenderValue NVARCHAR(50) '$.value'
    ) j3
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