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Is there a way to generate a JSON string from data that is contained in an R Tidyverse tibble such like this:

d <- tribble(
  ~last_name,  ~first_name, ~role,          ~admin,
  "Gale",      "Dorothy",   "board member", FALSE,
  "Man",       "Tin",       "member",       TRUE

d |>
  mutate(json_data = generate_some_json(role, admin)) |> 
  select(last_name, first_name, json_data)
#> Error in `mutate()` at dplyr/R/select.R:54:3:
#> ℹ In argument: `json_data = generate_some_json(role, admin)`.
#> Caused by error in `generate_some_json()`:
#> ! could not find function "generate_some_json"

Created on 2024-10-16 with reprex v2.1.1

Where generate_some_json is the function that I am looking for, but which may not even exist?

Desired, but fabricated result:

# A tibble: 2 x 3
  last_name first_name json_data
  <chr>     <chr>      <chr>        
1 Gale      Dorothy    {"role": "board member", "admin": "FALSE"}
2 Man       Tin        {"role": "member", "admin": "TRUE"} 

I’ve experimented with the jsonlite and tidyjson packages but either wasn’t doing it right or (what I suspect) these libraries do not support this kind of operation.

I do get the desired result with a custom function (below), but I would prefer to have something more sustainable for future tasks (e.g., with a larger number of variables).

make_json <- function(role, admin) {
    '"role": "{role}"',
    ', ',
    '"admin": "{admin}"',
# and then use something like
# mutate(json_data = make_json(role, admin))

Created on 2024-10-16 with reprex v2.1.1



  1. It’s actually a bit annoying to get your desired output exactly using jsonlite::toJSON(), because it expects dataframe input, and purr/rowwise approaches will pass it the data directly. Here’s a way to use group_map to pass toJSON one-row dataframes (so you keep the keys). Note that using last_name and first_name as grouping variables excludes them from the JSON as your desired output shows.

    d <- tribble(
      ~last_name,  ~first_name, ~role,          ~admin,
      "Gale",      "Dorothy",   "board member", FALSE,
      "Man",       "Tin",       "member",       TRUE
    json_data <- d %>%
      group_by(last_name, first_name) %>%
      group_map(~ jsonlite::toJSON(.x)) %>%
    d %>%
      mutate(json_data = json_data) %>%
      select(-role, -admin)
    #> # A tibble: 2 × 3
    #>   last_name first_name json_data                                      
    #>   <chr>     <chr>      <chr>                                          
    #> 1 Gale      Dorothy    "[{"role":"board member","admin":false}]"
    #> 2 Man       Tin        "[{"role":"member","admin":true}]"

    Created on 2024-10-16 with reprex v2.1.1

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  2. To get that exact format with jsonlite, we could use rowwise groping and pick() to generate single-row frames, converting those to lists will avoid creating JSON array:

    d <- tribble(
      ~last_name,  ~first_name, ~role,          ~admin,
      "Gale",      "Dorothy",   "board member", FALSE,
      "Man",       "Tin",       "member",       TRUE
    d |> 
      rowwise() |> 
        json_data = pick(role,admin) |> as.list() |> jsonlite::toJSON(auto_unbox = TRUE),
        .keep = "unused"
      ) |> 
    #> # A tibble: 2 × 3
    #>   last_name first_name json_data                                    
    #>   <chr>     <chr>      <json>                                       
    #> 1 Gale      Dorothy    "{"role":"board member","admin":false}"
    #> 2 Man       Tin        "{"role":"member","admin":true}"

    Another alternative would be rjson, in this particular case it happens to generate desired output with less steps & arguments:

    d |> 
      rowwise() |> 
      mutate(json_data = pick(role,admin) |> rjson::toJSON(), .keep = "unused") |> 
    #> # A tibble: 2 × 3
    #>   last_name first_name json_data                                    
    #>   <chr>     <chr>      <chr>                                        
    #> 1 Gale      Dorothy    "{"role":"board member","admin":false}"
    #> 2 Man       Tin        "{"role":"member","admin":true}"
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  3. d %>%
       group_by(last_name, first_name) %>%
       summarise(json_data = jsonlite::toJSON(pick(everything())), .groups = 'drop')
    # A tibble: 2 × 3
    # Groups:   last_name [2]
      last_name first_name json_data                                      
      <chr>     <chr>      <json>                                         
    1 Gale      Dorothy    "[{"role":"board member","admin":false}]"
    2 Man       Tin        "[{"role":"member","admin":true}]"
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