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I have a groovy script that converts flat file CSV with Headers, Line items and Footer into a JSON. I am using a simple code as shown below but its not giving me the desired output. My expectation is that line items should come under each header and footer should be at the same level as the Header node and it should come at the end.

Please help me out in this regard.


def lines = '''
H   01  FATXXX  08012111    08012000    1549999 CAD 
I   1545093 01.01.074.HBNY.002              D           71.34                                                   
I   1545093 01.01.HDK.1240              C           71.34                                                   
F   2   71.34   71.34

def json = [:]
def items = []

lines.each { line ->
    def parts = line.split('t')
    def type = parts[0]

    if (type == 'H') {
        json['header'] = [
            'CompanyCode': parts[1],
            'JournalEntryType': parts[2],
            'PostingDate': parts[3],
            'JournalEntryDate': parts[4],
            'ReferenceDocNumber': parts[5],
            'TransCurr': parts[6],
            'DocText': parts[7]
    } else if (type == 'I') {
        items << [
            'ReferenceDocNumber': parts[1],
            'GL_Account': parts[2],
            'Cost_Center': parts[3],
            'Profit_Center': parts[4],
            'WBS_Element': parts[5],
            'D_C_Indicator': parts[6],
            'Item_Text': parts[7],
            'Assignment': parts[8],
            'AmountinTransactionCurrency': parts[9],
            'LocalCurrency': parts[10],
            'AmountinLocalCurrency': parts[11],
            'GroupCurrency': parts[12],
            'AmountinGroupCurrency': parts[13],
            'ParallelCurrency': parts[14],
            'AmountinParallelCurrency': parts[15],
            'TransactionType': parts[16],
            'HouseBank': parts[17],
            'BankAccountID': parts[18],
            'ValueDate': parts[19],
            'TradingPartner': parts[20],
            'IFF_VENDOR': parts[21],
            'IFF_CUSTOMER': parts[22]
    } else if (type == 'F') {
        json['footer'] = [
            'Total_Records': parts[1],
            'Total_Debit': parts[2],
            'Total_Credit': parts[3]

json['items'] = items

def jsonString = JsonOutput.toJson(json)



  "GL_Data": {

    "Headers": [


        "CompanyCode": 1,

        "JournalEntryType": "APPURREG",

        "PostingDate": 8302023,

        "JournalEntryDate": 8302023,

        "ReferenceDocNumber": 493890,

        "TransCurr": "CAD",

        "DocText": "",

        "Items": [


            "ReferenceDocNumber": 493890,

            "GL_Account": "",

            "Cost_Center": "",

            "Profit_Center": "",

            "WBS_Element": "",

            "D_C_Indicator": "D",

            "Item_Text": "",

            "Assignment": "",

            "AmountinTransactionCurrency": 10,

            "LocalCurrency": "",

            "AmountinLocalCurrency": "",

            "GroupCurrency": "",

            "AmountinGroupCurrency": "",

            "ParallelCurrency": "",

            "HouseBank": "",

            "BankAccountID": "",

            "TradingPartner": "",

            "IFF_VENDOR": "",

            "IFF_CUSTOMER": ""



            "ReferenceDocNumber": 493890,

            "GL_Account": "",

            "Cost_Center": "",

            "Profit_Center": "",

            "WBS_Element": "",

            "D_C_Indicator": "C",

            "Item_Text": "",

            "Assignment": "",

            "AmountinTransactionCurrency": 10,

            "LocalCurrency": "",

            "AmountinLocalCurrency": "",

            "GroupCurrency": "",

            "AmountinGroupCurrency": "",

            "ParallelCurrency": "",

            "HouseBank": "",

            "BankAccountID": "",

            "TradingPartner": "",

            "IFF_VENDOR": "",

            "IFF_CUSTOMER": ""





        "CompanyCode": 1,

        "JournalEntryType": "APPURREG",

        "PostingDate": 8302023,

        "JournalEntryDate": 8302023,

        "ReferenceDocNumber": 493890,

        "TransCurr": "CAD",

        "DocText": "",

        "Items": [


            "ReferenceDocNumber": 493890,

            "GL_Account": "",

            "Cost_Center": "",

            "Profit_Center": "",

            "WBS_Element": "",

            "D_C_Indicator": "D",

            "Item_Text": "",

            "Assignment": "",

            "AmountinTransactionCurrency": 10,

            "LocalCurrency": "",

            "AmountinLocalCurrency": "",

            "GroupCurrency": "",

            "AmountinGroupCurrency": "",

            "ParallelCurrency": "",

            "HouseBank": "",

            "BankAccountID": "",

            "TradingPartner": "",

            "IFF_VENDOR": "",

            "IFF_CUSTOMER": ""



            "ReferenceDocNumber": 493890,

            "GL_Account": "",

            "Cost_Center": "",

            "Profit_Center": "",

            "WBS_Element": "",

            "D_C_Indicator": "C",

            "Item_Text": "",

            "Assignment": "",

            "AmountinTransactionCurrency": 10,

            "LocalCurrency": "",

            "AmountinLocalCurrency": "",

            "GroupCurrency": "",

            "AmountinGroupCurrency": "",

            "ParallelCurrency": "",

            "HouseBank": "",

            "BankAccountID": "",

            "TradingPartner": "",

            "IFF_VENDOR": "",

            "IFF_CUSTOMER": ""










  1. I think I understand what you want, but I might be off. Here is what I think you need to do. Change this line:

    json['items'] = items

    To this:

    json['Headers'].Items = items

    You’ll also want to match up the casing in your code with the desired output (ie "headers" -> "Headers" and "footer" -> "Footer") to get what you’re after.

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  2. If you have a multi-grouped CSV, you should be using a list instead of the map to collect your entries:

    import groovy.json.*
    def lines = '''
    H 01 FATREG 08012023 08012023 1545093 CAD 
    I 1545093 D 71.34 
    I 1545093 C 71.34 
    H 01 FATREG 08012023 08012023 1545094 CAD 
    I 1545094 D 71.34 
    I 1545094 C 71.34 
    F 16659 3609886.19 3609886.19'''
    def list = []
    def currJson
    lines.splitEachLine( /s+/ ){ parts ->
        switch (parts[0]) {
            case 'H':
                if( currJson ) list << currJson
                currJson = [ 
                                CompanyCode: parts[1],
                                JournalEntryType: parts[2],
                                PostingDate: parts[3],
                                JournalEntryDate: parts[4],
                                ReferenceDocNumber: parts[5],
                                TransCurr: parts[6],
                                DocText: parts[7]
            case  'I':
                currJson.items << [
                    'ReferenceDocNumber': parts[1],
                    'GL_Account': parts[2],
                    'Cost_Center': parts[3],
                    'Profit_Center': parts[4],
                    // cut for brevity
            case 'F':
                currJson.footer = [
                    'Total_Records': parts[1],
                    'Total_Debit': parts[2],
                    'Total_Credit': parts[3]
    if( currJson ) list << currJson
    def jsonString = JsonOutput.prettyPrint JsonOutput.toJson( list )

    You will get the following ouptut, where the H-I-F elements are groupped into a single list entry:

            "header": {
                "CompanyCode": "01",
                "JournalEntryType": "FATREG",
                "PostingDate": "08012023",
                "JournalEntryDate": "08012023",
                "ReferenceDocNumber": "1545093",
                "TransCurr": "CAD",
                "DocText": null
            "items": [
                    "ReferenceDocNumber": "1545093",
                    "GL_Account": "",
                    "Cost_Center": "D",
                    "Profit_Center": "71.34"
                    "ReferenceDocNumber": "1545093",
                    "GL_Account": "",
                    "Cost_Center": "C",
                    "Profit_Center": "71.34"
            "header": {
                "CompanyCode": "01",
                "JournalEntryType": "FATREG",
                "PostingDate": "08012023",
                "JournalEntryDate": "08012023",
                "ReferenceDocNumber": "1545094",
                "TransCurr": "CAD",
                "DocText": null
            "items": [
                    "ReferenceDocNumber": "1545094",
                    "GL_Account": "",
                    "Cost_Center": "D",
                    "Profit_Center": "71.34"
                    "ReferenceDocNumber": "1545094",
                    "GL_Account": "",
                    "Cost_Center": "C",
                    "Profit_Center": "71.34"
            "footer": {
                "Total_Records": "16659",
                "Total_Debit": "3609886.19",
                "Total_Credit": "3609886.19"
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