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I have one stream output stored in csv file, I need help converting csv to json:

my csv looks like:

cat output.csv

Required output:

note: I need key configuration to be added to json.

    "configuration": {
      "k": {
        "a": "a1",
        "number1": "1",
        "c": "b1",
        "d": "c1",
        "e": "d1",
        "number2": "1"
      "l": {
        "a": "a2",
        "number1": "2",
        "c": "b2",
        "d": "c2",
        "e": "d2",
        "number2": "2"

So far tried with jq:

my function is:

cat api.jq

  inputs |
     split(",") |
     map(ltrimstr(""")) |
     map(rtrimstr(""")) |
        a: .[1],
        number1: .[2],
        c: .[3],
        d: .[4],
        e: .[5],
        number2: .[6]
] | {configuration: .}


jq -nRf api.jq output.csv

  "cluster_configuration": [
      "a": "a1",
      "number1": "1",
      "c": "b1",
      "d": "c1",
      "e": "d1",
      "number2": "1"
      "a": "a2",
      "number1": "2",
      "c": "b2",
      "d": "c2",
      "e": "d2",
      "number2": "2"
      "a": "a3",
      "number1": "3",
      "c": "b3",
      "d": "c3",
      "e": "d3",
      "number2": "3"
      "a": "a4",
      "number1": "4",
      "c": "b4",
      "d": "c4",
      "e": "d4",
      "number2": "4"
      "a": "a5",
      "number1": "5",
      "c": "b5",
      "d": "c5",
      "e": "d5",
      "number2": "5"



  1. jq’s from_entries can be used to generate objects with chosen keys.

    In the below example, we first use Miller to convert CSV to JSON more robustly (in a manner that supports values with commas or quotes) before proceeding with jq

    1. Add a header line at the top so Miller knows what key name to associate with each value:

      cat <(echo k,a,number1,c,d,e,number2) output.csv > output_with_header.csv
    2. Convert the csv to json with miller:

      mlr --icsv --ojson cat output_with_header.csv > output.json
    3. transform with jq, generating lists of maps with key and value elements and then combining them with from_entries:

      jq '{configuration: ([.[]|{key: .k,value: (.|del(.k))}]|from_entries)}' output.json

    This results in:

      "configuration": {
        "k": {
          "a": "a1",
          "number1": 1,
          "c": "b1",
          "d": "c1",
          "e": "d1",
          "number2": 1
        "l": {
          "a": "a2",
          "number1": 2,
          "c": "b2",
          "d": "c2",
          "e": "d2",
          "number2": 2
        "m": {
          "a": "a3",
          "number1": 3,
          "c": "b3",
          "d": "c3",
          "e": "d3",
          "number2": 3
        "n": {
          "a": "a4",
          "number1": 4,
          "c": "b4",
          "d": "c4",
          "e": "d4",
          "number2": 4
        "o": {
          "a": "a5",
          "number1": 5,
          "c": "b5",
          "d": "c5",
          "e": "d5",
          "number2": 5

    All together as a oneliner:

    cat <(echo k,a,number1,c,d,e,number2) output.csv | mlr --icsv --ojson cat | jq '{configuration: ([.[]|{key: .k,value: (.|del(.k))}]|from_entries)}'
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  2. Insofar as your goal is to make a be a key, using from_entries is suitable for that:

        inputs |
        split(",") |
        map(ltrimstr(""")) |
        map(rtrimstr(""")) |
            "key": .[1],
            "value": {
                number: .[2],
                c: .[3],
                d: .[4],
                e: .[5],
                number: .[6]
    ] |
    from_entries |
    { configuration: . }

    When run with

    jq -R -f api.jq <output.csv

    …the output is:

      "configuration": {
        "a2": {
          "number": "2",
          "c": "b2",
          "d": "c2",
          "e": "d2"
        "a3": {
          "number": "3",
          "c": "b3",
          "d": "c3",
          "e": "d3"
        "a4": {
          "number": "4",
          "c": "b4",
          "d": "c4",
          "e": "d4"
        "a5": {
          "number": "5",
          "c": "b5",
          "d": "c5",
          "e": "d5"
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  3. If robustness of CSV parsing is a concern, you could easily adapt
    the parser at The following converts the CSV rows to JSON arrays; since the "main" program below uses inputs, you’d use the -R and -n command-line options.

    ## The PEG * operator:
    def star(E): (E | star(E)) // . ;
    ## Helper functions:
    # Consume a regular expression rooted at the start of .remainder, or emit empty;
    # on success, update .remainder and set .match but do NOT update .result
    def consume($re):
      # on failure, match yields empty
      (.remainder | match("^" + $re)) as $match
      | .remainder |= .[$match.length :]
      | .match = $match.string;
    def parse($re):
      | .result = .result + [.match] ;
    def ws: consume(" *");
    ### Parse a string into comma-separated values
    def quoted_field_content:
      | .result[-1] |= gsub(""""; """);
    def unquoted_field: parse("[^,"]*");
    def quoted_field: consume(""") | quoted_field_content | consume(""");
    def field: (ws | quoted_field | ws) // unquoted_field;
    def record: field | star(consume(",") | field);
    def csv2array:
      {remainder: .} | record | .result;
    inputs | csv2array
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  4. I know you raise this question as a bash+jq question, but, if it was a bash+python question, the solution would be trivial:

    import sys, csv, json
    data = { "configuration": { } }
    for [k,a,n1,c,d,e,n2] in csv.reader(sys.stdin.readlines()):
        data["configuration"][k] = { "a": a, "number1": n1, "c": c, "d": d, "e": e, "number2": n2 }
    print(json.dumps(data, indent=2))

    Then, in bash (I’m assuming Ubuntu here), we could go:

    python3 < output.csv
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  5. Here’s a possible solution with Miller (available here for several OSs), an interesting tool that supports multiple input/output formats:

    mlr --icsv -N put -q '
        @map[$1] = {"a": $2, "number1": $3, "c": $4, "d": $5, "e": $6, "number2": $7};
        end { dump { "configuration": @map } }
    ' file.csv
      "configuration": {
        "k": {
          "a": "a1",
          "number1": 1,
          "c": "b1",
          "d": "c1",
          "e": "d1",
          "number2": 1
        "l": {

    note: for forcing the numbers to be treated as strings you can use the --infer-none option.

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