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I have the following table:

Test_ID Test_JSON
some uniqueidentifer see below
some uniqueidentifier see below

The Test_JSON structure is as follows:

    "LaneIds": {
        "1": "a5a8ff96-0291-4ef9-890a-57c1874398bc",
        "2": "7a698a8b-934b-4a57-99c7-29a200d87877",
        "3": "aa30906d-e859-40a8-aedd-ae8ae10d0ae1",
        "4": "ccb05b71-a65a-4db7-b7c9-b4b7251150c7",
        "5": "c10593a9-06c3-49e4-bf4e-9d1c5ece98d4",
        "6": "6eeb9c85-f3ac-44cb-be74-f2d7554ea8d3",
        "7": "1226abb3-58c3-4b1e-844f-f2643d874490",
        "8": "7256ce43-014a-4dd6-a072-f8de2c373688"
    "SomeOtherID": "b9d75ef9-b68d-46ef-9d34-3f5e99f448e2",
    "SomeOtherProperty": 12345

I need to get all lane IDs in a comma separated list for all Test_IDs. So my final output needs to be like this:

Test_ID Column B
some uniqueidentifier "a5a8ff96-0291-4ef9-890a-57c1874398bc, 7a698a8b-934b-4a57-99c7-29a200d87877, aa30906d-e859-40a8-aedd-ae8ae10d0ae1, etc."
next test_id lane_ids

What is the best way to do this using SQL/T-SQL?

I am able to get the LaneIds using JSON_QUERY() but I specifically need to drop the ints in the key field and only return the GUIDs in a comma separated list.



  1. Since you mentioned you’re already using JSON_QUERY(), I’m guessing the problem is with the definition of your JSON path. Have you tried the following:
    JSON_QUERY(Test_JSON, '$.LaneIds[*]')? This would query the column you showed as JSON, look for the key LaneIds and get all values from within that key.

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  2. This should get your values in all their denormalized goodness:

    declare @json nvarchar(max) = N'
        "LaneIds": {
            "1": "a5a8ff96-0291-4ef9-890a-57c1874398bc",
            "2": "7a698a8b-934b-4a57-99c7-29a200d87877",
            "3": "aa30906d-e859-40a8-aedd-ae8ae10d0ae1",
            "4": "ccb05b71-a65a-4db7-b7c9-b4b7251150c7",
            "5": "c10593a9-06c3-49e4-bf4e-9d1c5ece98d4",
            "6": "6eeb9c85-f3ac-44cb-be74-f2d7554ea8d3",
            "7": "1226abb3-58c3-4b1e-844f-f2643d874490",
            "8": "7256ce43-014a-4dd6-a072-f8de2c373688"
        "SomeOtherID": "b9d75ef9-b68d-46ef-9d34-3f5e99f448e2",
        "SomeOtherProperty": 12345
    select string_agg(keyData, ',')  WITHIN GROUP ( ORDER BY keyData) AS IDs
      ,     string_agg(x.value, ',')  WITHIN GROUP ( ORDER BY keyData) AS guids
    from openjson(@json, '$.LaneIds') x
    cross apply (
        select cast(x.[key] AS INT) AS keyData
      ) kd
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