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I am having a shell script . in my shell script i have a command that returns the following data as a json .

  "remoteIds": [
      "remoteId": "[fd00:10:244:1:0:0:0:12]--(http://fd00-10-244-1--12.nspace.pod:8080)",
      "requestsReceived": 1

i want to validate the above output with a json template. in my json template i can provide the port, nspace , protocol (http) & requestsReceived . How can i design a json template and validate against the json data . i can use jq and bash script

The following will be a template in my mind

  "remoteIds": [
      "remoteId": "[*]--(http://*.nspace.pod:8080)",
      "requestsReceived": 1

thank you



  1. If you don’t want to tangle with a full-fledged generic schema definition ecosystem and don’t mind "rolling your own" validation engine, you might wish to consider the following illustration:

    < input.json jq --slurpfile template template.json '
      def validate($template):
        ($template | .remoteIds[0] | keys) as $keys
        | (type == "object") and
          (.remoteIds | type) == "array" and
          all(.remoteIds[]; keys == $keys) and
              test("^\[.*\]--[(]http://.*[.]nspace[.]pod:8080[)]$") )

    This incidentally works with all three of the major jq implementations:
    the standard C-based implementation; gojq; and jaq.

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  2. Here’s how you could use the JESS validation tool for JSON.

    (JESS stands for JSON Extended Structural Schemas, and refers to
    both a schema specification language and a validation tool. The
    home page on github is at

    You can either create a JESS schema by hand, or
    generate a basic basic structural schema as described below, and then
    tweak it according to your requirements. Either way, let’s
    assume your structural schema is in a file named
    validate.schema and that is looks like this:

      "remoteIds": [
          "remoteId": "/^\[.*\]--[(]http://.*[.]nspace[.]pod:8080[)]$/",
          "requestsReceived": "number"

    Feel free to tweak the above regexp, and indeed the entire schema, in accordance with your requirements.

    Assuming you have installed the JESS validation tool, you would run it like so:

    JESS --schema validate.schema input.json

    Note that the JESS script only reports non-conformances.
    That is, it produces no output if the JSON conforms to the schema.

    To create a basic structural schema automatically, you can use "schema.jq"
    ( like so:

    < input.json jq 'include "schema" {search: "."}; schema' > validate.schema
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