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My code:

try {
    JSONArray array = new JSONArray(response.body());
    List<JSONArray> arr = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < array.length(); i++) {
}catch (JSONException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException(e);

This is my arr:

[["bdbd","hdhs","hdhd","1234567890","[[shhs, sbbs, married], [sjsn, snsn, unmarried]]"]]

I want to convert the last element inside my arr

"[[shhs, sbbs, married], [sjsn, snsn, unmarried]]"

to a multidimensional ArrayList (ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>). How do I do this?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    After finding no other solution, I just iterated over the whole string and appended each element to the arraylist like this:

    String temp = arr.get(0).get(4).toString();
    String details = "";
    ArrayList<String> temp1 = new ArrayList<>();
    ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> final = new ArrayList<>();
    for(int i=2; i<temp.length()-1; i++){
        if(temp.charAt(i) != ',' && temp.charAt(i) != ' ' && temp.charAt(i) != '['){
            if(temp.charAt(i) != ']')
                details += temp.charAt(i);
                temp1 = new ArrayList<>();
                details = "";
            if(!details.equals("")) {
            details = "";

  2. There is a one liner solution. Don’t use library use Jackson Json library. In this case all you veed to do is

    ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper();
    List<Object> myList = om.readValue(response.body(), List.class);

    Also, there is a JsonUtil class that is a thin wrapper over ObjectMapper that allows you to do the same without instantiating ObjectMapper:

    List<Object> myList = JsonUtils.readObjectFromJsonString(response.body(), List.class);

    JsonUtils comes with MgntUtils OpenSource library written and maintained by me. You can get it as a Maven artifact or on Github (including javadoc and source code). Here is Javadoc for JsonUtils class

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