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I have following data.json to be modified , I want to change the state to "disabled" based on the filtered IP address range(eg "10.13*". I tried following command and I need to get whole json content as the out put, but i’m getting a syntax errors for this(I have used same for updating a single value(without using character mapping), it worked fine. (Plan is to use this in shell command and redirect the out put to a new file). Can someone help me on this

jq '(.[]| select(.node|test("^10.13*"))).state |="disabled" data.json
        "state": "active"
        "state": "active"
        "state": "active"
        "state": "active"



  1. Your regex isn’t quite right. Also, it might be worthwhile using map to make things more straightforward:

    map(if (.node|test("^10[.]13[.].*")) then .state="disabled" else . end)

    Or you could simply use startswith.

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  2. If you only want to modify array elements whose IP address starts with "10.13.", you’d usually use map and combine with startswith (for prefix-matching the IP address):

    jq 'map(select(.node|startswith("10.13.")).state = "disabled")' input.json

    An equivalent solution assigning multiple values at once:

    jq '(.[]|select(.node|startswith("10.13")).state) = "disabled"' input.json

    Note that the second solution is almost identical to your proposed one (with slight modifications: different grouping, startswith, and the plain assignment operator)

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