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I use the following to convert a JSON into an Object:


     "color": "blue"


somethingDto = objectMapper.readValue(myJson, SomethingDTO.class);

However, let’s say that the JSON comes at the following format:

    "something": {
         "color": "blue"

What code can achieve the same result?

Edit: There may be more properties alongside "something"



  1. You should create a root class for it for example

    public class RootDto {
         SomethingDTO somthing;
         public SomethingDTO getSomething() {
          return somthing;
         public void setSomething(SomethingDTO somthing) {
          this.somthing = somthing;

    Then map your JSON to it

    RootDto rootDto = objectMapper.readValue(myJson, RootDto.class);

    Or you can use JsonNode

    JsonNode rootNode = objectMapper.readTree(myJson);
    JsonNode somethingNode = rootNode.get("something");
    SomethingDTO somethingDto = objectMapper.convertValue(somethingNode, SomethingDTO.class);

    Also, you can handle both of them in this way

    JsonNode rootNode = objectMapper.readTree(myJson);
    JsonNode somethingNode = rootNode.get("something");
    SomethingDTO somethingDto;
    if (somethingNode != null) {
        somethingDto = objectMapper.convertValue(somethingNode, SomethingDTO.class);
    } else {
        somethingDto = objectMapper.convertValue(rootNode, SomethingDTO.class);
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  2. Threre is an annotation called @JsonRootName which is similar to @XmlRootElement. That annotation indicates the name of the "root" wrapping.

    public class SomethingDto {
        String color;
        public String getColor() {
            return color;
        public SomethingDto setColor(String color) {
            this.color = color;
            return this;

    After that, the fearure must be enabled:

    ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper()

    Now, it will wrap / unwrap objects to desired root element(s).

    class WrapTest {
        private static final ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper()
        private static final String input = """
                    "something": {
                        "color" : "blue"
        void wrappedTest() throws JsonProcessingException {
            var dto = om.readValue(input, SomethingDto.class);
                    () -> assertNotNull(dto),
                    () -> assertEquals("blue", dto.getColor(), "color field mismatch")
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