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I have some JSON Data object and its needs to convert into Highchyour textarts Series data, I tried lot with my minimal knowledge in JS, but I can’t:
Json Object:


The above data needs to be converted to be like below:
and I want to display the mdate on x axis categories and the Matrix as title.

series: [
      name: 'm-1',
      data: [33.0,23,99],
    }, {
      name: 'm-2',
      data: [34.0,23,99],



Please help me out to fix this , Thanks in Advance.



  1. To convert your JSON data object into Highcharts Angular series data, you can iterate over the "Matrix" array in your JSON and transform each item into the desired format. Here’s an example of how you can achieve this:

    // Assuming you have your JSON data stored in a variable called jsonData
    const jsonData = {
      "Matrix": [
        {"mdate": "2002-02-09", "mvalue": 33.0, "mt": 23, "mb": 99},
        {"mdate": "2002-02-09", "mvalue": 34.0, "mt": 23, "mb": 99},
        {"mdate": "2002-03-09", "mvalue": 39.0, "mt": 23, "mb": 99},
        {"mdate": "2002-04-09", "mvalue": 340.0, "mt": 23, "mb": 99},
        {"mdate": "2002-05-09", "mvalue": 348.0, "mt": 23, "mb": 99}
    // Create an empty array to store the converted series data
    const seriesData = [];
    // Iterate over each item in the "Matrix" array
    jsonData.Matrix.forEach(item => {
      // Create an object for each item in the desired format
      const seriesItem = {
        name: `m-${item.mvalue}`,
        data: [item.mvalue,, item.mb]
      // Push the converted item to the series data array
    // Output the converted series data

    This code will iterate over each item in the "Matrix" array and create an object for each item in the desired format. The name property is set to m- followed by the mvalue from each item. The data property is an array containing mvalue, mt, and mb from each item. The converted series data is then pushed into the seriesData array.

    Make sure to adjust the code according to your Angular component and Highcharts configuration. You can assign the seriesData to your Highcharts configuration object or use it as needed in your application.

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  2. The easiest way I could think of is the JavaScript array map() function. This will allow you to transform the data.

    highchartData =, index) => ({
      name: `m-${index + 1}`,
      data: [item.mvalue,, item.mb]

    Sample HighChart:

    const jsonData = {
      "Matrix": [{
          "mdate": "2002-02-09",
          "mvalue": 33.0,
          "mt": 23,
          "mb": 99
          "mdate": "2002-02-09",
          "mvalue": 34.0,
          "mt": 23,
          "mb": 99
          "mdate": "2002-03-09",
          "mvalue": 39.0,
          "mt": 23,
          "mb": 99
          "mdate": "2002-04-09",
          "mvalue": 340.0,
          "mt": 23,
          "mb": 99
          "mdate": "2002-05-09",
          "mvalue": 348.0,
          "mt": 23,
          "mb": 99
    const highchartData =, index) => ({
      name: `m-${index + 1}`,
      data: [item.mvalue,, item.mb]
    Highcharts.chart('container', {
        series: highchartData
    <script src=""></script>
    <figure class="highcharts-figure">
        <div id="container"></div>
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