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I have a class which uses a System.Memory Property, let’s call it PROP1 and CLASS1

When this class is serialized into a JSON file it’s saved in a pretty common way :

(…) "PROP1":[7200.0,7200.0,7200.0] (…)

When I try to deserialize via JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<CLASS1>File.ReadAllText(fileName));

I get the following exception :

Cannot deserialize the current JSON array (e.g. [1,2,3]) into type
‘System.Memory`1[System.Double]’ because the type requires a JSON
object (e.g. {"name":"value"}) to deserialize correctly. To fix this
error either change the JSON to a JSON object (e.g. {"name":"value"})
or change the deserialized type to an array or a type that implements
a collection interface (e.g. ICollection, IList) like List that can
be deserialized from a JSON array. JsonArrayAttribute can also be
added to the type to force it to deserialize from a JSON array.

I guess it cannot serialize it because Memory is working more like a pointer, so you should create an object first which the Memory refers to. But I could not find a fix to this (besides rewriting the class to another type)…and I couldn’t find any threads with a similiar problem. Any ideas how to deserialize it??

Thank you very much for reading!



  1. You can use a custom JsonConverter.

    public abstract class MemoryConverter<T> : JsonConverter
        public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType) =>
        public override bool CanRead => true
        public override bool CanWrite => true
        public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, 
                                        Type objectType, 
                                         object existingValue, 
                                         JsonSerializer serializer)
            return new Memory<T>(serializer.Deserialize<T[]>(reader));
        public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer)
            if (!(value is Memory<T> mem))
                throw new ArgumentException($"invalid type {value?.GetType().FullName}");
            var span = mem.Span;
            for (var i = 0; i < span.Length; span++)
                if (i > 0)
                serializer.Serialize(writer, span[i]);

    Then you can apply it

    Memory<int> YourValue { get; set; }
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  2. Since Json.NET doesn’t seem to have built-in support for serializing and deserializing Memory<T> and ReadOnlyMemory<T>, you could create generic converters for them that will serialize and deserialize "snapshots" of the contents of Memory<T> and ReadOnlyMemory<T> slices as follows:

    public class MemoryConverter<T> : JsonConverter<Memory<T>>
        public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, Memory<T> value, JsonSerializer serializer) =>
            serializer.SerializeMemory((ReadOnlyMemory<T>)value, writer, false);
        public override Memory<T> ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, Memory<T> existingValue, bool hasExistingValue, JsonSerializer serializer) =>
            reader.MoveToContentAndAssert().TokenType switch
                JsonToken.String when typeof(T) == typeof(char) => 
                    ((T [])(object)serializer.Deserialize<string>(reader).ToCharArray()).AsMemory(),
                JsonToken.StartArray when typeof(T) == typeof(byte) => 
                    ((T [])(object)serializer.Deserialize<List<byte>>(reader).ToArray()).AsMemory(),
                _ => 
                    serializer.Deserialize<T []>(reader).AsMemory()
    public class ReadOnlyMemoryConverter<T> : JsonConverter<ReadOnlyMemory<T>>
        public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, ReadOnlyMemory<T> value, JsonSerializer serializer) =>
            serializer.SerializeMemory((ReadOnlyMemory<T>)value, writer, serializeAsString : true);
        public override ReadOnlyMemory<T> ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, ReadOnlyMemory<T> existingValue, bool hasExistingValue, JsonSerializer serializer) =>
            reader.MoveToContentAndAssert().TokenType switch
                JsonToken.String when typeof(T) == typeof(char) => 
                JsonToken.StartArray when typeof(T) == typeof(byte) => 
                    ((T [])(object)serializer.Deserialize<List<byte>>(reader).ToArray()).AsMemory(),
                _ => 
                    serializer.Deserialize<T []>(reader).AsMemory()
    public static partial class JsonExtensions
        internal static void SerializeMemory<T>(this JsonSerializer serializer, ReadOnlyMemory<T> value, JsonWriter writer, bool serializeAsString) 
            switch (value)
                case ReadOnlyMemory<byte> m when MemoryMarshal.TryGetArray(m, out var seg) && seg.Offset == 0 && seg.Count == seg.Array.Length:
                    writer.WriteValue(seg.Array); // Base64 encoded array.
                case ReadOnlyMemory<byte> m:
                    writer.WriteValue(m.ToArray()); // Base64 encoded slice.
                case ReadOnlyMemory<char> m when serializeAsString:
                    serializer.Serialize(writer, MemoryMarshal.ToEnumerable(value));
        public static JsonReader MoveToContentAndAssert(this JsonReader reader)
            if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.None)       // Skip past beginning of stream.
            while (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Comment) // Skip past comments.
            return reader;
        public static JsonReader ReadAndAssert(this JsonReader reader)
            if (!reader.Read())
                throw new JsonReaderException("Unexpected end of JSON stream.");
            return reader;

    Then you would serialize and deserialize your model using the following settings:

    var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings
        Converters = { new MemoryConverter<double>(), new ReadOnlyMemoryConverter<double>() },
    var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(class1, settings);
    var model2 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<CLASS1>(json, settings);

    And/or apply to your model as follows:

    public class CLASS1
        public Memory<double> PROP1 { get; set; }

    Warnings and notes:

    • Warning: references of array slices are not preserved. If your Memory<double> is a slice of some array, and that array is also being serialized elsewhere in the model, then when deserialized the Memory<double> will not refer to the deserialized array by reference, it will refer to its own copy of the array.

      If you need to preserve the references of array slices, a different (and much more complicated) converter would be required.

    • Since byte arrays are serialized as Base64 strings by Json.NET (and System.Text.Json), I did the same for Memory<byte> and ReadOnlyMemory<byte>. But if the Memory<byte> had been previously serialized as a JSON array, it will be read properly.

    • Since ReadOnlyMemory<char> can sometimes wrap a string, I serialized it as such, but did not do the same for Memory<char> which can only wrap a char array.

      If you don’t want that, pass serializeAsString : false inside ReadOnlyMemoryConverter<T>.Read().

    • Absent the converters, I was unable to generate a reasonable serialization for Memory<T> out of the box with Json.NET 13.0.3. Instead of a JSON array, I got


      Maybe you already have some converter installed that handles serialization but not deserialization?

    Demo fiddle here.

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