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I have the following List/Dataframe:


I want to transform it to the following nested JSON such that it can be used in bootstrap treeview.

    "nodes": [
        "nodes": [
            "text": "title1_chapter1_section1",
            "href": "title1_chapter1_href1"
            "text": "title1_chapter1_section2",
            "href": "title1_chapter1_href2"
        "text": "title1_chapter1"
        "nodes": [
            "text": "title1_chapter2_Section1",
            "href": "title1_chapter2_href1"
            "text": "title1_chapter2_section2",
            "href": "title1_chapter2_href2"
        "text": "title1_chapter2"
    "text": "title1"
    "nodes": [
        "nodes": [
            "text": "title2_chapter1_section1",
            "href": "title2_chapter1_href2"
        "text": "title2_chapter1"
    "text": "title2"

How can I do it in Python?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    finally, I manage to solve it, below is the code:

    import json
    xlist = [['title1','title1_chapter1','title1_chapter1_section1','title1_chapter1_href1'],
    title = xlist[0][0]
    chapter = xlist[0][1]
    jstr = '[{"nodes":[{"nodes":['
    for x in xlist:
        if x[0] != title: 
            jstr = jstr[:-1] + f'],"text":"{chapter}"' + '}],' + f'"text":"{title}"' + '},{"nodes":[{"nodes":['
            title = x[0]
            chapter = x[1]
        elif x[1] != chapter: 
            jstr = jstr[:-1] + f'],"text":"{chapter}"' + '},{"nodes":['
            chapter = x[1]
        jstr = jstr + '{' + f'"text":"{x[2]}","href":"{x[3]}"' + '},' 
    jstr = jstr[:-1] + f'],"text":"{x[1]}"' + '}],' + f'"text":"{x[0]}"' + '}]'
    parsed = json.loads(jstr)

  2. Converting DataFrame to JSON you can see in this Documentation

    This is the example from the documentation

    import json
    df = pd.DataFrame(
        [["a", "b"], ["c", "d"]],
        index=["row 1", "row 2"],
        columns=["col 1", "col 2"],
    result = df.to_json(orient="split")
    parsed = json.loads(result)
    json.dumps(parsed, indent=4)  

    and the result :

        "columns": [
            "col 1",
            "col 2"
        "index": [
            "row 1",
            "row 2"
        "data": [

    If the data from list you can do something like this

    import json
    aList = [{'a':1, 'b':2}, {'c':3, 'd':4}]
    jsonStr = json.dumps(aList, indent=4)

    The result:

            "a": 1,
            "b": 2
            "c": 3,
            "d": 4

    I hope this answer helping solve your problem

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