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I have a json which I want to reference based on a variable:

matrix: {
    nog: {
        moves: number[][];
        scale: number;
    eyes: {
        moves: number[][];
        scale: number;

I have a variable art where art may be ‘nog’ or ‘eyes’ or …

I would like to be able to extract data from the json with something like matrix.[art]

How might I do this (I could of course use a switch function, but looking for some thing more elegant that can scale)?



  1. You can just make use of matrix[art] pattern. E.g. below js code just works:

    const matrix = {
        nog: {
            moves: [],
            scale: 1
        eyes: {
            moves: [],
            scale: 2
    let art = 'nog'
    let art = 'eyes'
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  2. You should convert JSON to an object like this:

    const obj = JSON.parse('{"nog":{moves: number[][];}, "eyes":{moves: number[][]}}');
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